Class UserBLO

  extended bycom.boylesoftware.cb2.BLObject
      extended bycom.boylesoftware.cb2.commons.user.UserBLO
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UserBLO
extends BLObject
implements AuthenticationListener

Generic implementation of an application user account business entity. This BLO allows to login/logout users and manage their accounts.

This BLO requires the following initialization parameters:

This BLO implements SecurityBLI interface so it can be used with CB2's support for Servlet Specification user authentication/authorization when deployed under name "user".

$Id:,v 1.1 2003/04/22 17:34:18 levahim Exp $
Lev Himmelfarb
See Also:
UserBasicDM, AuthenticationListener, Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Error code indicating that the user is already logged in and you are trying to log in again.
protected static int ERR_BASE
          Base value for error codes.
          Error code indicating that the password was invalid.
          Error code indicating that the login name was invalid.
protected  java.lang.String fetchUserDetailsByLoginNameQN
          Name of the select query in the configuration file which is used for getting a user details data model by the user's login name.
protected  UserBasicDM loggedInUserDM
          DM of the logged in user or null if no user is logged in.
Fields inherited from class com.boylesoftware.cb2.BLObject
bloc, log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addUserSessionStateListener(UserSessionStateListener listener)
          Registers the specified listener for user session state events.
protected  void destroy()
          Free all used by the BLO resources.
protected  void fireUserLoggedInEvent(long userId)
          Call userLoggedIn() method on all registered user session state event listeners.
protected  void fireUserLoggedOutEvent(long userId)
          Call userLoggedOut() method on all registered user session state event listeners.
protected  void init()
          Initializes the BLO.
 boolean isInRole(java.lang.String role)
          Returns true if currently logged in user is in the specified by name role.
 boolean isLoggedIn()
          Returns true if a user is authenticated and successfully logged in meaning that the BLO is in authenticated mode.
 boolean login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Tries to log in the specified by login name user.
 void logout()
          Logs out the currently logged in user.
 void processUserLogin( principal)
          Notify the BLO about a user login event.
 void processUserLogout()
          Notify the BLO about a user logout event.
protected  void registerLogin(UserBasicDM dm)
          Performes all internal BLO operations for a user login action.
 void removeUserSessionStateListener(UserSessionStateListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener for user session state events from the internal list of listeners.
Methods inherited from class com.boylesoftware.cb2.BLObject
activate, getApplicationContext, getBLO, getBLOContainer, getDAO, getDAO, getDAOConfig, getDAOConfig, getDeploymentName, getInitParameter, getLastErrors, isRollbackOnly, setErrors, setRollbackOnly
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int ERR_BASE
Base value for error codes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_INVALID_USERNAME
Error code indicating that the login name was invalid.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD
Error code indicating that the password was invalid.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_ALREADY_LOGGEDIN
Error code indicating that the user is already logged in and you are trying to log in again.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.lang.String fetchUserDetailsByLoginNameQN
Name of the select query in the configuration file which is used for getting a user details data model by the user's login name. This field is populated from fetchUserDetailsByLoginNameQN BLO initialization parameter.


protected UserBasicDM loggedInUserDM
DM of the logged in user or null if no user is logged in.

Constructor Detail


public UserBLO()
Method Detail


protected void init()
             throws BLException
Initializes the BLO. Call this method if you override it in your child class.

init in class BLObject
BLException - indicates a serious error, the BLO can not be initialized.


protected void destroy()
Free all used by the BLO resources. Call this method if you override it in your child class.

destroy in class BLObject


public void addUserSessionStateListener(UserSessionStateListener listener)
Registers the specified listener for user session state events.

listener - instance of your listener which will be receiving the notifications.


public void removeUserSessionStateListener(UserSessionStateListener listener)
Removes the specified listener for user session state events from the internal list of listeners.

listener - instance of the listener to be removed from the notification list.


protected void fireUserLoggedInEvent(long userId)
                              throws BLException
Call userLoggedIn() method on all registered user session state event listeners.

userId - id of the user logged in.
BLException - if any of the listeners threw it on userLoggedIn() method call.


protected void fireUserLoggedOutEvent(long userId)
                               throws BLException
Call userLoggedOut() method on all registered user session state event listeners.

userId - id of the user logged out.
BLException - if any of the listeners threw it on userLoggedOut() method call.


public boolean login(java.lang.String username,
                     java.lang.String password)
              throws BLException
Tries to log in the specified by login name user. If the method returned false use getLastErrors() method to get the reason why login was unsuccessful. Possible error codes this method sets are ERR_INVALID_USERNAME, ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD and ERR_ALREADY_LOGGEDIN.

Use this method only if you implement user authentication/authorization yourself. If you use Servlet Specification security, that is an SecurityAuthenticator implementation - use the SecurityBLI interface instead.

username - login name of the user to log in.
password - password to be used for log in.
true if the user was successfully authenticated and logged in.
BLException - indicates a serious problem in the system.


public void logout()
Logs out the currently logged in user. The BLO changes to the non-autheticated "guest" mode.


public boolean isLoggedIn()
Returns true if a user is authenticated and successfully logged in meaning that the BLO is in authenticated mode.

true if the user is logged in.


public boolean isInRole(java.lang.String role)
Returns true if currently logged in user is in the specified by name role. If no user is currently logged in this method always returns false. Also, if a user is logged in this method always returns true for role "user".

role - name of the role to check. Note that the role name is case-sensitive.
true if the user is in the specified role.


public void processUserLogin( principal)
                      throws BLException
Notify the BLO about a user login event. This implementation fetches the user's DM from the database using the configured DAO query (the fetchUserDetailsByLoginNameQN init parameter) and registers the login by a registerLogin method call.

Specified by:
processUserLogin in interface AuthenticationListener
principal - the logged in principal.
BLException - if an error happened and the user cannot be logged in.


public void processUserLogout()
Notify the BLO about a user logout event. This implementation just calls logout.

Specified by:
processUserLogout in interface AuthenticationListener


protected void registerLogin(UserBasicDM dm)
                      throws BLException
Performes all internal BLO operations for a user login action. This implementation sets the loggedInUserDM internal field and fires "user logged in" event by calling fireUserLoggedInEvent protected method.

dm - the logged in user's DM.
BLException - if the login could not be processed.

Copyright © 2002,2003,2004 - Boyle Software, Inc.