Interface TransactionContext

public interface TransactionContext

Interface for transaction context implementations used by the application context to manage database transactions. Application context reads com.boylesoftware.cb2.txContext application property, which names a class that implements this interface, and uses it as transaction context with its transaction management methods.

When a new thread tries to perform a transactional database operation, the application context checks if it already has a transaction context object instance associated with it and if not, creates an instance of transaction context and binds it to the thread. Right after the new instance is created the application context calls setup on it and then other methods are called according to the protocol. The instance stays bound to the thread until the thread dies.

There are also transaction management methods in the application context that operate on transaction contexts that are not bound to any thread.

Note, that implementations should be thread-safe providing their own means of access synchronization. Multiple threads can be trying to call different methods at the same time.

CB2 has several standard transaction context implementations. See description of com.boylesoftware.cb2.txContext application property in the ApplicationContext class description.

$Id:,v 1.7 2004/04/20 16:00:58 levahim Exp $
Lev Himmelfarb

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LOG_SUBSYS
          Channel name for the logger.
Method Summary
 void begin()
          Begin a new transaction.
 boolean commit()
          Commit the transaction.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Get a database connection managed by this transaction context.
 boolean isActive()
          Tells if there is an active transaction at the moment of the call.
 boolean isRollbackOnly()
          Tells if the transaction is marked for rollback only.
 boolean rollback()
          Rollback the transaction.
 void setRollbackOnly()
          Marks the transaction for rollback only.
 void setup(ApplicationContext appCtx)
          Setup the instance before using it.
 boolean supportsUnboundTransactions()
          Tells if this implementation supports transaction contexts that are not bound to a thread.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LOG_SUBSYS
Channel name for the logger. Interface implementators should use it when logging messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public void setup(ApplicationContext appCtx)
           throws ApplicationException
Setup the instance before using it. This method is called by the application context once for every new instance.

appCtx - the application context.
ApplicationException - if an error happens.


public void begin()
           throws ApplicationException
Begin a new transaction.

ApplicationException - if an error happens, if there is already an active transaction and the transaction context does not support nested transactions.


public java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Get a database connection managed by this transaction context. This method can be called only between begin and commit or rollback method calls, that is when transaction is active.

dataSourceName - logical name of the datasource, from which to get the connection.
the database connection.
java.sql.SQLException - if the connection cannnot be retrieved due to the underlying data source error.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction is not ative. In other words if the transaction has not been begun or is already committed or rolled back.


public boolean commit()
               throws ApplicationException
Commit the transaction.

true if there are no active transactions anymore after successful commit. Can return false if nested transactions are supported and there are still active transactions in the stack after committing the topmost one.
ApplicationException - when the underlying subsystem error happens.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction is not ative. In other words if the transaction has not been begun or is already committed or rolledback.


public boolean rollback()
                 throws ApplicationException
Rollback the transaction.

true if there are no active transactions anymore after successful rollback. Can return false if nested transactions are supported and there are still active transactions in the stack after rolling back the topmost one.
ApplicationException - when the underlying subsystem error happens.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction is not ative. In other words if the transaction has not been begun or is already committed or rolledback.


public void setRollbackOnly()
                     throws ApplicationException
Marks the transaction for rollback only. When the application tries to commit a transaction which is marked for rollback only, the transaction context will roll it back instead of committing. Calling this method when there are no active transactions does nothing and is perfectly valid.

ApplicationException - when the underlying subsystem error happens.


public boolean isRollbackOnly()
                       throws ApplicationException
Tells if the transaction is marked for rollback only.

true if the transaction is marked for rollback only. Always returns false if there are no active transactions.
ApplicationException - when the underlying subsystem error happens.
See Also:


public boolean isActive()
Tells if there is an active transaction at the moment of the call.

true if the transaction is active.


public boolean supportsUnboundTransactions()
Tells if this implementation supports transaction contexts that are not bound to a thread.

true if unbound transaction contexts can be created.

Copyright © 2002,2003,2004 - Boyle Software, Inc.