Class DAO

  extended bycom.boylesoftware.cb2.DAO
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DAO
extends java.lang.Object
implements StatusProvider

Database Access Object (the DAO) provides high-level API for database operations. Internally, it is based on JDBC, but working through the DAO allows application code not to worry about opening and closing database connections, creating and executing statements, processing result sets. The DAO works with Data Models (DMs), which are very simple objects extending DataModel abstract class and containing public data fields that match to result set columns. When a fetch call (corresponding to SQL SELECT) is performed, the DAO processes the result set, for each row it create a DM, stores data from the result set columns to the appropriate fields of the DM, and then returns the while fetch result to the caller as an array of populated DMs. When an update or insert is performed, the DAO constructs an appropriate SQL query automatically basing on the DM's set of fields, and then executes it. DMs fields a mapped to result set columns by names - in the simpliest case, the DAO finds the result set column's label via standard JDBC method getColumnLabel on ResultSetMetaData and then matches it to the DM's field with the same name. In reality, before the DAO matches column label to the DM field, it chops off prefix from the label. Column label prefix is a string, which prepends the corresponding DM field name in a column label and is separated from it by a special character sequence called field name separator, which is specified in the DAO configuration. The prefix plays no role in result set column to DM field matching and its actual usage is dicussed later.

DAO Configuration

Although the DAO provides low-level methods called executeFetch and executeUpdate, which allow the application to pass SQL query text to be executed directly to the method, that is not the usual DAO usage. Instead, the majority of the DAO's methods work with queries specified externally in the DAO configuration and identified by names. This approach allows to isolate SQL code from the application's Java code. The DAO configuration is represented by an instance of DAOConfig class, which is built from a <dao-config> element in the blo-config.xml file. In order to create an instance of DAO it is always required to specify an appropriate DAO config object. Beside query definitions, the DAO configuration also contains descriptors for all data models. The descriptors provide some meta data for the DMs, such as to what database table a DM corresponds, and also allow to specify in query definitions what DM class this or that fetch query returns. See for the blo-config.xml file structure.

DMs and Nested DMs

It is the best approach first to create DMs that directly correspond to database tables used in the application - the logical meaning of a Data Model is to represent data in the way it is stored in the database. In some cases small hierarchies can be created to provide short versions of DMs to be used with fetches that return lists of DMs with only most basic fields populated - a search result is a good example. The full version of the DM, which extends the short one, then can be used for fetching full details of a record and updating/creating new records.

It is often required to fetch data not from one table, but from a number of joined tables. To make it easy, DMs can have nested DMs, to which data from the joined tables go. In order to allow the DAO to match result set columns to the appropriate DMs, the result set must be structured in a specific way. The columns in the result set are always processed from left to right, so the order of the select list is important. First, columns are matched against the top DM's fields. Then, if a column labeled so it matches to the DM's field which is in turn another DM, the context switches to the other DM. Depending on whether it is one to zero-or-one or one to zero-or-more relationship, the nested field may be represented by a single DM class field or by an array of DMs. The result set column labeled by the nested DM field's name, which is called the header column, must have different values for these two cases. In the case of a single nested DM the header column's value must be the number of result set columns that follow this one and must be stored to the nested DM. In the case of an array of nested DMs, the header column's value must be something, that identifies the parent record, so consequent result set rows that have the same value in the header column will go to one array nested in one parent DM until the header column's value changes and a new parent DM is created with a new nested array in it. Note, that rows belonging to the same nested array must immediately follow each other in the result set, which usually requires an appropriate ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause in the SQL query. Also, the first column in the sequence of columns that correspond to the nested array must not be nullable - it it is NULL in the result set, which is possible in the case of an outer join, the nested array in the parent DM is left empty. In the case of nested DM arrays, the DAO considers all columns following the header column until the last column in the result set row belonging to the nested DM. It means that columns that go to the nested array must be all groupped together at the very end of the select list.

Nested DM fields, either single nested DMs or nested DM arrays, are never set to null by the DAO - in case of an outer join when no record exists corresponding to the nested field, if the field is a single DM, an instance of the DM class will be created and all fields in it will be set to null. If it is a nested array, an epmty array will be set into the parent DM's field.

The DAO also correctly processes nested DMs in other nested DMs allowing unlimited nesting levels. However, please note that due to the nature of relational databases, it is impossible to have more than one nested array on the same nesting level.

Sometimes the database does not allow having columns within one select list labeled with identical names. On the other hand, in the case of nested DMs it is possible that two DMs have fields with the same names. To help solve the problem, column labels can be prepended by prefixes, that will make them unique. A prefix is any string separated from the rest of the column label, which is the corresponding DM field name, by a field name separator sequence, which can be configured by a <field-name-separator> element in the DAO configuration. Suppose the field name separator is an underscore character, then column labeled "person_firstName" will be matched to a DM field named "firstName", while the "person_" prefix is discarded.

Using nested DMs is a relatively complex issue. You should read the CB2 User Manual, available on the web-site, for better understanding.

Note, that it is safe to add nested DM fields to DMs that are used for DAO updates and inserts - those calls ignore fields that are of type derived from DataModel and arrays of such types when constructing SQL statements.

Note also, that because of the DAO Extended Syntax, described below, it is rarely (or never?) needed to manually construct proper select lists in queries to structure result sets.

DAO Extended Syntax

In the DAO configuration XML, where SQL query bodies are defined, it is allowed to have special {...} contructs, similar to JDBC escape syntax, that are interpreted by the DAO. Below is the list of such constructs:

Another extension of standard JDBC is double question marks as parameter placeholders. It allows to have arrays as query parameters - the corresponding double question mark will be expanded by the DAO to a sequence of comma-separated single question marks, which is the standard JDBC query parameter placeholder mark, with the exactly the same length as the number of elements in the query parameter array, so the values from the array will be set to the appropriate places. This is especially useful with SQL IN conditions.

DAO Plugins

The DAO is a very flexible tool and it provides even more flexibility with plugins mechanism. You can plug in special modules, sort of hooks, to the DAO and it will be calling them at different times to perform this or that elementary operation. Plugins are installed in the DAO configuration via <plugin> elements. To see what kinds of plugins DAO supports see subinterfaces of the DAOPlugin abstract interface.

There is also another kind of hook, which is not actually a DAO plugin, but is used quite similarly. Objects implementing FetchResultProcessor can be used with the DAO fetch calls to perform certain application specific operations on DMs as the DAO creates them in its internal result set processing loop. If can even completely change the fetch call's effect. For example, you have a query, which returns hundreds of thousands of rows and what you need is to process the data and store the information in a file. If you let the fetch call return the result as an array of DMs, first, the memory consumption will be irrational, second you will have two loops going over the whole array - first time when the DAO processes the result set rows, second time when you loop through the resulting array to process the returned DMs. The correct way to solve such a task is to have a FetchResultProcessor implementation, which processes individual DMs as they come out of the DAO, append data to the file, and then discard the DM instance so it does not take memory.

Result Set Pagination

The DAO's fetch methods are able to select and return only a certain page from the whole result set returned by the query. The pagination is performed by a plugin implementing FetchExecutor interface. The default CB2 implementation, GenericFetchExecutor, uses scrollable result sets to scroll to and then fetch the requested page. Note, that unfortunately not all JDBC drivers implement scrollable result sets correctly, in which case it may require a database specific approach, usually rather complex and tricky, if your application needs the functionality of result set pagination. CB2 has some database specific solutions packaged with it, see com.boylesoftware.cb2.db.* packages.

The result set pagination mechanism assumes that one row in the result set corresponds to one record, which is not true if nested DM arrays are used, where a sequence of rows following each other may be packed into one DM. The result set pagination does not work correctly with nested DM arrays. It is not a bug, but certainly a limitation.

Accessing the DAO

It is rarely needed for the application code to create instances of the DAO. The BL Manager maintains an instance of DAO for each configured data source. A reference to a BL Manager's DAO can be retrieved in any BLO via its getDAO protected method. Also, the DAO class is completly thread safe, so it is perfectly fine if one instance is used by multiple threads at the same time.

However, there are advanced cases when the application would need to create its own instance of the DAO. For example, if it needs to make the DAO to work with a particular database connection not available through the application context. Note, that sometimes there is a need to execute a sequence of database calls with a guarantee that they all are executed on the same connection. That situation is not a reason for creating an instance of DAO - the BL Manager's DAO can be still used provided that the connection is "pinned down" to the thread by a pinConnection call. Another way to execute several SQL statements on the same connection is to define multiple <sql> subelements (so-called "sql chunks") within one <query> element in the DAO configuration.

When an instance of DAO needs to be created, it requires specifying the appropriate DAO config object. The DAO config objects are also maintained by the BL Manager, one for each configured data source, and can be retieved from within any BLO via its getDAOConfig protected method.


The DAO does not perform any transaction management.


The DAO logs messages related to its operation under "com.boylesoftware.cb2.DAOBJT" log channel.

$Id:,v 1.17 2004/05/12 15:41:17 levahim Exp $
Lev Himmelfarb

Field Summary
static int ORDER_ASC
          Used with fetch methods to indicate that the caller wants ascending order in the result set.
static int ORDER_DESC
          Used with fetch methods to indicate that the caller wants descending order in the result set.
static int ORDER_NOORDER
          Deprecated. use ORDER_UNUSED instead.
static int ORDER_UNUSED
          Used with fetch methods to indicate that automatic ORDER BY clause generation is not used, or it is used, but no ASC nor DESC keywords should be added to the column names in the clause.
Fields inherited from interface com.boylesoftware.cb2.StatusProvider
Constructor Summary
DAO(DAOConfig config, boolean isTransactional)
          Constructs a DAO instance, which automatically retrieves database connections from the application context every time it needs it.
DAO(DAOConfig config, java.sql.Connection con)
          Constructs a DAO instance configured to use a certain database connection.
Method Summary
 int delete(DataModel dm)
          Constructs and executes an SQL DELETE statement for the specified DM.
 DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass, java.lang.String query, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Calls executeFetch(dmClass, query, queryParams, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass, java.lang.String query, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls executeFetch(dmClass, query, queryParams, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass, java.lang.String query, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Fetches data from the database using the specified SQL query and returns the result as an array of DMs.
 int executeUpdate(java.lang.String query, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Executes the specified SQL query and returns the number of affected rows.
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order)
          Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order)
          Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Fetches data from the database using a query from the DAO configuration and returns the result as an array of DMs.
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Map queryParams)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Map queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Map queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Map queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).
 DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams, java.lang.String[] orderBy, int order, int page, int pageSize, FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks, FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
          Version of fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor), which works with named query parameters.
 EventStatistics getEventStats(java.lang.String eventName)
          Not used in this class, always returns null.
 java.lang.String getQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. there is no direct substitution for this method. If you needed this method for building dynamic SQL queries you should consider using {cond ...} constructs of the DAO Extended Syntax.
 byte[] getStats()
          Retrieves information about the DAO and returns it as an XML text.
 int insert(DataModel dm)
          Constructs and executes an SQL INSERT statement for the specified DM.
 void pinConnection(boolean forUpdate)
          "Pins down" a database connection to the current thread.
 void unpinConnection()
          Releases and closes the database connection "pinned" by an earlier pinConnection call.
 int update(DataModel dm)
          Constructs and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for the specified DM.
 int update(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Calls update(queryName, null, queryParams).
 int update(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
          Executes a query from the DAO configuration as an update query and returns the number of affected rows.
 int updateDiff(DataModel oldDm, DataModel newDm)
          Similar to update(DataModel), but update only those fields, that have different values in the two specified DMs.
 int updateExcludingFields(DataModel dm, java.util.Set fields)
          Similar to update(DataModel), except that only fields not listed in the fields set are included into the generated UPDATE statement.
 int updateFields(DataModel dm, java.util.Set fields)
          Similar to update(DataModel), except that only fields listed in the fields set are included into the generated UPDATE statement.
 int updateWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Map queryParams)
          Calls updateWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams).
 int updateWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName, java.util.Set conditions, java.util.Map queryParams)
          Version of update(String, Set, Object []), which works with named query parameters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ORDER_UNUSED
Used with fetch methods to indicate that automatic ORDER BY clause generation is not used, or it is used, but no ASC nor DESC keywords should be added to the column names in the clause.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORDER_NOORDER
Deprecated. use ORDER_UNUSED instead.


See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORDER_ASC
Used with fetch methods to indicate that the caller wants ascending order in the result set. SQL keyword ASC will then be added to all column names in the automatically generated ORDER BY clause.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORDER_DESC
Used with fetch methods to indicate that the caller wants descending order in the result set. SQL keyword DESC will then be added to all column names in the automatically generated ORDER BY clause.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DAO(DAOConfig config,
           boolean isTransactional)
Constructs a DAO instance, which automatically retrieves database connections from the application context every time it needs it. The data source used is the one associated with the specified DAO config object.

Depending on the value of the isTransactional parameter, the DAO will be using application context's standard getConnection method, which returns transactional database connections, or it will be using low-level getNoTXConnection method.

config - the DAOConfig object.
isTransactional - set to true if this DAO should use transactional database connections, which is the normal mode. Otherwise, the DAO will be using getNoTXConnection method on the application context to get database connections.


public DAO(DAOConfig config,
           java.sql.Connection con)
Constructs a DAO instance configured to use a certain database connection. The application code outside the DAO must completely take care of opening, managing and closing the database connection.

config - the DAOConfig object.
con - the database connection to be used by the DAO. Note, that it should be a connection borrowed from the same data source, with which the specified DAOConfig object is associated. It is required, because the DAOConfig gathers information about the database connection's features when it is created. That information is later used by the DAO to adjust the way it operates on the connection.
Method Detail


public void pinConnection(boolean forUpdate)
                   throws BLException
"Pins down" a database connection to the current thread. All subsequent calls to any DAO instance (except ones created via DAO(DAOConfig config, Connection con) constructor) from the same thread will be using the same connection until unpinConnection is called from within the thread.

It is highly recommended to have an unpinConnection call in a finally block!

This method does nothing if called on a DAO created via DAO(DAOConfig config, Connection con) constructor.

forUpdate - indicates if your are going to run queries that modify data in the database. Set to false if you are going to execute only queries that read data (fetch calls) while the connection is "pinned".
BLException - if the connection could not be retrieved from the application context.
See Also:


public void unpinConnection()
                     throws BLException
Releases and closes the database connection "pinned" by an earlier pinConnection call.

This method does nothing if called on a DAO created via DAO(DAOConfig config, Connection con) constructor.

BLException - if the connection could not be closed. Even if an exception is thrown the connection still becomes disassociated from the thread, that is "unpinned".
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no connection has been "pinned" earlier.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
                          throws BLException
Deprecated. there is no direct substitution for this method. If you needed this method for building dynamic SQL queries you should consider using {cond ...} constructs of the DAO Extended Syntax.

Gets the query's primary (result) sql chunk text with all macros expanded.

queryName - the query name.
the query's primary sql chunk body.
BLException - if there is no query with the specified name.


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Set conditions,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                        int order,
                                        int page,
                                        int pageSize,
                                        FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks,
                                        FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                                 throws BLException
Version of fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor), which works with named query parameters. Instead of object array, this method takes query parameters as a map, which allows to associate names with values. In the query's body {? <param name>} and {?? <param name>} DAO Extended Syntax constructs are used to mark parameter placeholders. As opposed to the standard JDBC way of associating parameters with placeholders basing on the placeholders' positions in the query text, using named query parameters allows to disassociate the SQL query's structure from the way it is called from Java. The disadvantage of it though is a slight lost in performace, which can be ignored in the most cases.

Unnamed parameter placeholders, that is ? and ??, still can be used with this call. For such unnamed placeholders the parameter name in the map should be a string representation of its position starting from 1.

queryParams - collection of values for the query parameters. The keys are parameters names (objects of String), the values are parameter values. A value can be an object, a null, or an array of objects for a double-question mark placeholder. If value is not present in the map for a parameter, it is assumed to be null. This argument is optional and can be null if the query does not have parameters.
array of DMs built from the result set. The class of the DMs is determined by usedm attribute of the <query> element in the DAO configuration. Never returns null, but can return an empty array.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.util.Set conditions,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                         int order,
                         int page,
                         int pageSize,
                         FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks,
                         FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                  throws BLException
Fetches data from the database using a query from the DAO configuration and returns the result as an array of DMs.

This method, if requested, can append an ORDER BY clause the query. If does so if the orderBy method argument is not null and is not an empty array. The method simply appends each element in the array to the generated ORDER BY clause separating the elements by commas. If the order method argument is not ORDER_UNUSED, it also appends ASC or DESC after each element. Since no checks are performed, the orderBy array can contain whole sequencies of column names separated by commas with their individual ASC and DESC modifiers, or it can be used so each element contains a single column name, and then using the order argument may make sense.

queryName - name of the SQL query to execute defined in the DAO configuration.
conditions - set of names (objects of String) of {cond ...} DAO Extended Syntax elements that should be included in the query. Can be null if the query contains no {cond ...} elements, should not be null otherwise.
queryParams - array of values for the query parameters matched to the parameter placeholders in the query's body basing on their positions. An element in this array may be an object, a null, or an array of objects for double-question mark parameter placeholders. Can be null if the query has no parameters.
orderBy - array of elements that will be added to the automatically generated ORDER BY clause separated by commas. If automatic ORDER BY clause should not be generated and appended to the query, this parameter should be null or an empty array.
order - one of ORDER_xxx constants telling if ASC, DESC or nothing should be added to each element in the orderBy array when generating an automatic ORDER BY clause.
page - number of the result set page to return starting from zero. Ignored if pageSize parameter is equal or less than zero.
pageSize - number of records in one result set page. If this parameter is equal or less than zero, no result set pagination is performed and the whole result set is processed and returned.
hooks - array of hooks called by the DAO from within its internal result set processing loop for each DM on the specified by the hook DM nesting level. Can be null or an empty array.
fetchResultDescriptor - output parameter, which is updated after the method call and contains additional information about the result set. The method ignores this parameter if non-paginated result set is requested (pageSize parameter is equal or less than zero). Can be null.
array of DMs built from the result set. The class of the DMs is determined by usedm attribute of the <query> element in the DAO configuration. Never returns null, but can return an empty array.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public int updateWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                 java.util.Set conditions,
                                 java.util.Map queryParams)
                          throws BLException
Version of update(String, Set, Object []), which works with named query parameters.

See fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String[], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler[], FetchResultDescriptor) for more information on named query parameters.

number of affected rows. If the database does not return any update counts, returns -1.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public int update(java.lang.String queryName,
                  java.util.Set conditions,
                  java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
           throws BLException
Executes a query from the DAO configuration as an update query and returns the number of affected rows.

queryName - name of the SQL query to execute defined in the DAO configuration.
conditions - set of names (objects of String) of {cond ...} DAO Extended Syntax elements that should be included in the query. Can be null if the query contains no {cond ...} elements, should not be null otherwise.
queryParams - array of values for the query parameters matched to the parameter placeholders in the query's body basing on their positions. An element in this array may be an object, a null, or an array of objects for double-question mark parameter placeholders. Can be null if the query has no parameters.
number of affected rows. If the database does not return any update counts, returns -1.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public int insert(DataModel dm)
           throws BLException
Constructs and executes an SQL INSERT statement for the specified DM. The DM must have table attribute in its descriptor in the DAO configuration, as well as appropriate definition of its id fields (<idfield> subelements). This method updates id fields in the specified DM instance with the values inserted into the table. The way the new values are aquired for the id fields is determined by srcquery and srcorder attributes of the appropriate <idfield> elements.

This method ignores any nested DM and nested DM array fields so the same DM class can be used for complex fetch calls with joined tables as well as for inserts.

dm - DM with data to be inserted into the associated with the DM database table. The id fields are ignored and then updated with the values inserted into the table.
number of inserted rows (normally one).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.


public int update(DataModel dm)
           throws BLException
Constructs and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for the specified DM. The DM must have table attribute in its descriptor in the DAO configuration, as well as appropriate definition of its id fields (<idfield> subelements). The rows to be updated are selected by values in the specified instance's id fields - the id fields and their values go to the statement's WHERE clause to select appropriate record, while other fields go to the SET clause. If the DM has multiple id fields, the condition in the WHERE clause uses AND logical operation.

This method ignores any nested DM and nested DM array fields so the same DM class can be used for complex fetch calls with joined tables as well as for updates.

dm - DM with data to be set into the associated with the DM database table. The rows to be updated are selected by values in the DM's id fields.
number of updated rows (normally one or zero).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.


public int updateFields(DataModel dm,
                        java.util.Set fields)
                 throws BLException
Similar to update(DataModel), except that only fields listed in the fields set are included into the generated UPDATE statement.

Note, that id fields, even if don't appear in the set, are always included into the statement's WHERE clause.

dm - DM with data to be set into the associated with the DM database table. The rows to be updated are selected by values in the DM's id fields. Values in fields not listed in the fields set are ignored.
fields - set of DM field names (objects of String) that should be updated by the generated statement. Fields that don't appear in the set are left untouched.
number of updated rows (normally one or zero).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.
See Also:
updateExcludingFields(DataModel, Set)


public int updateExcludingFields(DataModel dm,
                                 java.util.Set fields)
                          throws BLException
Similar to update(DataModel), except that only fields not listed in the fields set are included into the generated UPDATE statement.

Note, that id fields, even if appear in the set, are always included into the statement's WHERE clause.

dm - DM with data to be set into the associated with the DM database table. The rows to be updated are selected by values in the DM's id fields. Values in fields listed in the fields set are ignored.
fields - set of DM field names (objects of String) that should be excluded from the update. Fields that appear in the set are left untouched.
number of updated rows (normally one or zero).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.
See Also:
updateFields(DataModel, Set)


public int updateDiff(DataModel oldDm,
                      DataModel newDm)
               throws BLException
Similar to update(DataModel), but update only those fields, that have different values in the two specified DMs. This method uses diff on DataModel to compare the DMs so all rules that apply to the diff method do apply to this method as well. If the DMs are identical, the method does nothing.

Note, that this method does not check if the id fields are identical, although logically they should always be. In any case, the id field values from the newDm are taken when creating the statement.

oldDm - DM with "old" data.
newDm - DM with "new" data, that will be stored into the database.
number of updated rows (normally one or zero).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if types of the specified DMs are different.
See Also:


public int delete(DataModel dm)
           throws BLException
Constructs and executes an SQL DELETE statement for the specified DM. The DM must have table attribute in its descriptor in the DAO configuration, as well as appropriate definition of its id fields (<idfield> subelements). The rows to be deleted are selected by values in the specified instance's id fields - the id fields and their values go to the statement's WHERE clause to select appropriate record, while other fields are ignored. If the DM has multiple id fields, the condition in the WHERE clause uses AND logical operation.

dm - DM with id fields set to select rows to delete.
number of deleted rows (normally one or zero).
BLException - if an error happens and the query cannot be constructed or executed.


public DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass,
                                java.lang.String query,
                                java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                                int page,
                                int pageSize,
                                FetchResultProcessorHandler[] hooks,
                                FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                         throws BLException
Fetches data from the database using the specified SQL query and returns the result as an array of DMs. This is a very low-level method that does not require query definition in the DAO configuration - instead, it takes the query's SQL as an argument. The DM, corresponding to the specified DM class, still has to be defined in the DAO configuration and have a <dm> element.

Note, that this low-level method does not support DAO Extended Syntax constructs in the query's SQL except double question marks.

See fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor) for description of common method parameters.

dmClass - class of the DM this query returns. Should be a subclass of DataModel.
query - the query's SQL text.
array of DMs built from the result set. Never returns null, but can return an empty array.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public int executeUpdate(java.lang.String query,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
                  throws BLException
Executes the specified SQL query and returns the number of affected rows. This is a very low-level method that does not require query definition in the DAO configuration - instead, it takes the query's SQL as an argument.

Note, that this low-level method does not support DAO Extended Syntax constructs in the query's SQL except double question marks.

See update(String, Set, Object[]) for description of common method parameters.

query - the query's SQL text.
number of affected rows. If the database does not return any update counts, returns -1.
BLException - if an unexpected error happens and the query cannot be executed.


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                         int order)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         int page,
                         int pageSize,
                         FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                         int order,
                         int page,
                         int pageSize,
                         FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.util.Set conditions,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.util.Set conditions,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                         int order)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.util.Set conditions,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         int page,
                         int pageSize,
                         FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetch(java.lang.String queryName,
                         java.util.Set conditions,
                         java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                         java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                         int order,
                         int page,
                         int pageSize,
                         FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                  throws BLException
Calls fetch(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetch(String, Set, Object [], String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                        int order)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        int page,
                                        int pageSize,
                                        FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                        int order,
                                        int page,
                                        int pageSize,
                                        FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Set conditions,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Set conditions,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                        int order)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Set conditions,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        int page,
                                        int pageSize,
                                        FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, null, DAO.ORDER_UNUSED, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] fetchWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                        java.util.Set conditions,
                                        java.util.Map queryParams,
                                        java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                        int order,
                                        int page,
                                        int pageSize,
                                        FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                                 throws BLException
Calls fetchWithNamedParams(queryName, conditions, queryParams, orderBy, order, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
fetchWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map, String [], int, int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass,
                                java.lang.String query,
                                java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
                         throws BLException
Calls executeFetch(dmClass, query, queryParams, 0, 0, null, null).

See Also:
executeFetch(Class, String, Object [], int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public DataModel[] executeFetch(java.lang.Class dmClass,
                                java.lang.String query,
                                java.lang.Object[] queryParams,
                                int page,
                                int pageSize,
                                FetchResultDescriptor fetchResultDescriptor)
                         throws BLException
Calls executeFetch(dmClass, query, queryParams, page, pageSize, null, fetchResultDescriptor).

See Also:
executeFetch(Class, String, Object [], int, int, FetchResultProcessorHandler [], FetchResultDescriptor)


public int update(java.lang.String queryName,
                  java.lang.Object[] queryParams)
           throws BLException
Calls update(queryName, null, queryParams).

See Also:
update(String, Set, Object [])


public int updateWithNamedParams(java.lang.String queryName,
                                 java.util.Map queryParams)
                          throws BLException
Calls updateWithNamedParams(queryName, null, queryParams).

See Also:
updateWithNamedParams(String, Set, Map)


public byte[] getStats()
Retrieves information about the DAO and returns it as an XML text.

Specified by:
getStats in interface StatusProvider
XML for the DAO info and stats.
Throws: - if UTF-8 is not supported on this platform, which is practically impossible.


public EventStatistics getEventStats(java.lang.String eventName)
Not used in this class, always returns null.

Specified by:
getEventStats in interface StatusProvider
eventName - implementation specific event name, for which current statistics are requested.
statistics information for the specified event or null if the event is unknown.

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