This book is a User Guide for CB2 Framework. It introduces CB2, explains its basics and more advanced features, contains recommendations, rationales, description of a simple web-application development process. Recommended for all developers who plan or is already using CB2.
Copyright © 2004 Lev Himmelfarb
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this entire document without royalty provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved.
CB2 is a Java library intended to provide developers with a comprehensive software infrastructure for creating Java applications. The most usual case of CB2 usage is building a data-driven web-application and, although CB2 can be useful for developing the whole range of applications, exactly this case will be taken as the basis in this manual.
CB2 is not only a class library, it is also a framework, meaning that it gives you a complete skeleton for your application, it defines its architecture leaving places where you "plug in" modules that implement the application logic. In a sense, CB2 is an alternative to such heavy-weight technologies as EJB covering virtually all their practically useful functionality, while being much more light-weight.
CB2 fills in the gap between such a basic framework as Apache Struts and such complete and heavy-weight tools as various implementations of Sun Microsystems' J2EE, and particularly EJB containers, which usually provide developers not only with EJB, but also with the whole range of important and useful services like logging, messaging and so on. While J2EE application servers give you, as a developer, almost everything you might need leaving you, in theory, only to implement the application logic (or at least it is claimed so), they are not free of some quite important disadvantages. We will list some of them below:
CB2 itself (to be exact, its Servlet-based presentation level, which we will discuss later; the CB2's core is completely independent and can be used in applications based on different technologies, not only Servlet/JSP based web-applications) is based on Apache Struts and extends it adding all the necessary services to make a complete framework, similar to what J2EE application servers offer. The main point is that CB2 is made very practical, it does not sacrifice practical usefulness and efficiency to cover all possible and impossible cases defining far too generalized interfaces and introducing unnecessary levels, while still providing possibility of plugging very custom implementations in almost any part of its architecture when it is needed. The interfaces CB2 defines for different software components are much simplier than what J2EE offers and leaves less possibility for misunderstanding and inappropriate usage during the development process even for inexperienced developers. CB2 library is usually embedded into the web-application, which can be deployed under any Servlet container implementation making your software more mobile.
As mentioned above, CB2 dictates your application's structure. It defines several types of software components that you implement extending provided by the library abstract classes or implementing interfaces and then plug into the defined architecture. The architecture defines two distinctive levels: the business level (or BL) and the presentation level (or PL). The framework for the BL is the CB2's core and different kinds of PLs, implemented using different technologies, can be used with the BL. However, in this manual we will consider a PL implemented as a Servlet, and our application will be in fact a web-application designed to be run under a Servlet container. This is the most common case of CB2 usage and at the same time it allows to illustrate the most of CB2's capabilities. A diagram showing the topmost architectural components of the framework is shown on Figure 1.1, where you can see three major modules dividing the whole application onto three levels of internal functionality. Let's give a brief description of those modules' purpose before going deeper into each of them.
The application context provides all subsystems of the application with the most basic low-level services. There is always only one instance of application context per application and the instance is made available to all types of application components so they can access its services at any time. The services application context provides include:
, which is in the standard
format extended with a special synthax
allowing conditions and macros. The set of properties can also be
extended by values stored in a database. There is a number of standard
properties used by the application context to configure and tune its
operation. Also, any number of easily accessible custom application
properties can be added.
interface, or using its own
implementation of transaction context, which is much more light-weight
than the JTA providing simplicity and sometimes better
performace. Also, the internal implementation does not require JTA
implementation for automatic transaction management. It has though
some limitations such as it does not support distributed transactions
and only database operations are included into the transaction
context. In general, it is recommended to use the internal
implementation (for its simplicity) when the application does not
require any advanced features of the JTA.
The main application logic is implemented in components of the business level module. At the very top of it is the BL Manager singleton. As in the case of application context there is only one instance of BL Manager per application. The logic itself is implemented in components called Business Level Objects, or BLOs. Each BLO represents a specific aspect of the business logic or a business entity. Dividing the whole business logic onto seprate areas represented by BLOs also allows reusing the BLOs in other applications.
Since BL Manager supports the concept of user sessions, BLOs exist in the context of a user session. The user sessions are represented by BLO Containers, which contain BLO instances. When a new user session is requested a dedicated instance of BLO Container is assigned to it and the container is populated with dedicated instances of BLOs, therefore, a BLO can have an internal state which will be in the scope of the user session. To access a BLO the code gets reference to the BLO Container instance associated with the user session from the BL Manager and then looks up the BLO in the container by the BLO's name. When BL Manager returns a BLO Container to the requester it locks it and no other requester can get the BLO Container for this session until the one which has it at the moment releases it. Because of this locking mechanism and because one request in one session is usually processed by a single thread there is no need to worry about synchronization in the BLO implementations.
There is also a special type of BLOs that are shared by all sessions thus existing not in a user session scope but in the application scope. This kind of BLOs is called shared BLOs. Shared BLOs "live" in s special shared BLO Container, which is not associated with any particular user session. One instance of shared BLO Container is created at the BL Manager initialization, which usually happens at the application startup, and is populated with instances of shared BLOs. Since the shared BLO Container is never locked by the BL Manager it allows concurrent access to shared BLOs by mutliple threads, so shared BLOs have to be developped having this fact in mind taking care of synchronizing access to their internal states.
Note, that in general it is transparent to the client code requesting access to a BLO whether the BLO is shared or not - if a BLO Container can not find a requested BLO among the ones it contains it tries to find and return a shared BLO then.
The BL Manager creates an instance of Database Access Object (DAO) for each data source available in the application context. The DAO is a utility class providing BLOs with a powerful database access API built on top of JDBC. Although BLOs can get a database connection from the application context and use standard JDBC interface to perfom operations, DAO provides a set of very powerful macro methods so in the most cases the whole construction of opening connection, preparing and executing a statement, processing the result and closing the connection can be replaced with a single DAO method call.
The DAO represents data stored in the database as Data Model objects, or DMs. A DM is an object of a very simple class containing all public member variables and representing the application data in the form as it is stored in database tables. In the simpliest case a DM corresponds to a database table and has a member variable of the appropriate type for each column in the table thus being able to hold data of a single row. It is very convenient to use DMs to pass data not only between BLOs and the DAO but also between the BLOs themselves, as well as between the BLOs and the presentation level, which converts the data from the DM form, that is the database form, to the form suitable for presenting it in the user interface.
The main configuration file for the business level is
, which defines BLOs and
configuration for the DAOs including texts of SQL queries. It can also
refer to a set of external DAO configuration files which is useful in
large projects.
As mentioned above, different implementations of presentation level (PL) controlling the application user interface (UI) logic can be used with the CB2 core. The library includes a PL implementation for Servlet-based web-applications and exactly this presentation level framework is discussed in this manual. It is based (and includes it) on Apache Struts and extends the basic set of Struts' concepts such as actions and form beans with new ones such as pages, components and presentation elements. The central point of the web-application is still the Struts' Action Servlet and the CB2 PL framework is set up as a plug-in, which installs its own Request Processor where all the extensions start. Note also that CB2 PL completely replaces such Struts' extentions as Tiles, which is also made as a plug-in, and cannot be used with it at the same time. The CB2 PL architecture diagram is shown on Figure 1.3.
The important difference is that CB2 introduces
pages. URLs are mapped not only to actions, as in
Struts, but also to pages. Basically, CB2 slightly modifies the
standard Struts action -> jsp workflow
and assumes that there are two kinds of requests: those that result in
a page displayed in the browser, and those that are "pageless"
performing some action in a response to the request and sending a
redirect back to the browser and then the browser automatically makes
the next request. In the first case data to be displayed can be read
from the business level. In the second case, which is usually some
form submition, data is modified in the business level and then a
redirect to a page is sent in the response. For example, the
application may have two URLs: '/customerInfo'
, which is mapped
to a page containing an HTML form with a customer information to be
filled in, and '/saveCustomerInfo'
, which is mapped to an action
that receives the form data, calls the BLO to save the data to the
database, and finally sends a redirect to '/customerInfo'
display the form again. Note, that in this case the action sends a
redirect, not forward, so when refresh is clicked in the browser it
does not submit the form and save the customer information again, but
instead just redisplays the form. Of course, that is a very simple
example, but it illustrates the idea. Figure 1.4 shows it
Pages are composed of components that are
individual JSP files that include one another. A page starts with a
template component, which may include
other components using <cb2:insert>
JSP tag. The included
components can also include other components. Any dynamic content of
the components is controlled with the help of presentation
elements. On one hand, presentation
elements (PEs) are Java beans put by the framework to the request or
session scope and thus can be used by all Struts JSP tags in the
component's JSP, including <bean: xxx >
<logic: xxx >
tags. On the other hand, PEs are
"smart" beans, they "know" how to populate their
internal properties. When a page is called all presentation elements
on all components composing the page are invoked for
initialization. During this phase presentation elements can access the
business level and read all the data necessary to populate their bean
properties. On the next step the control is passed to the page's
template component's JSP to render the page. The template component
then includes other components if necessary using the
tag and the JSPs read data from presentation
elements' properties using, for example, Struts tags.
Note also, that the object behind a Struts <html:form>
can be
both a presentation element and an ActionForm
bean. It
plays the role of a presentation element when a page with the form is
displayed and, being a presentation element, gets a chance to
prepopulate the form's fields. Later in the workflow, it plays the
role of an ActionForm
bean when the submitted data passed to
the appropriate Action
in the same object's fields. Clearly, it
could be two separate classes, but in the most cases it is more
convenient to have a single class extending Struts' ActionForm
abstract class and implementing CB2's PresentationElement
Two top-level configuration files define the presentation level
operation. Pages, JSP components, presentation elements and URL to
page mappings are defined in
. Pageless actions,
action form beans and the rest of Struts-specific configuration
(including the CB2 PL Plug-in set up) is defined in
From the overview above follows that there is a number of different types of software components that have to be implemented during the application development. At this point we are ready to list all the component types, see Table 1.1.
Those listed in the Table 1.1 are the most widely used component types. There are also others, used more rarely, in special situations, which we will discuss later.
In this chapter we shall develop a simple web-application starting from scratch. Going along, basics of various CB2 service subsystems, as well as recommended development approaches will be demonstrated and explained.
The application we are developing is a simple address book storing information about people in a relational database and allowing listing, searching, adding, deleting and updating records.
It is best to start with installing a CB2 development environment and get acquainted with its structure. The environment includes a number of default configuration files. We are going to talk a lot about them below, so it is good to have them within reach. The complete source of the example address book application with in-code comments can be downloaded from the CB2 Framework project web-site.
Our application will communicate with the database through the DAO, and it is important for us to explain the DAO operation basics first so we feel comfortable later when we discuss the business level implementation.
The DAO provides methods for the
four basic database operations: fetch, update, insert and delete. It
operates on DMs and a single DM, in the most simple case, holds data
of one row in a table or a result set. The bodies of SQL queries are
read from an XML configuration file, or a set of files. Fetch methods
take the query name, query parameters, additional optional arguments
for the result sorting and pagination, and return an array of DMs
corresponding to the result set rows. The DM class is associated with
a particular query in the configuration file. Although queries for
database updates can be configured in the configuration file in the
same manner, the top-level update, insert and delete methods can build
SQL queries automatically basing on the DM metadata. And update takes
a populated DM object, builds an UPDATE
SQL query and executes
it. An insert does the same, but builds an INSERT
query and can
automatically handle new record id generation in a database-specific
manner and set the corresponding field with the id (or multiple ids)
value in the DM before returning from the method call. A delete
generates a DELETE
SQL query and takes values of id fields from
the specified DM to identify database records to delete. In all cases
the association between DM fields and database table columns is based
on the field names. Basically, the DM class field name should be the
same as the corresponding column's name or, possibly, the column's
label if it is a SELECT
query and its result set. Of course,
the type of the field should be compatible as well.
Let's assume we are provided with the schema shown on
Figure 2.1. Three tables allow us to have a record in
for each contact in our address book. A record in
can optionally have a home address record and a work
address record in the Address
table. Also, a record in
can have zero or more telephone numbers associated with
it and stored in the Phone
table. The type
column in the
table indicates the phone number type and takes, for
example, this list of values: 'HOM'
for home number, 'WRK'
for work number, 'MOB'
for mobile phone number, 'FAX'
fax and 'PAG'
for pager. The phone
column holds only phone
number's digits, that is number (212) 123-4567 will be stored as
When we start a new project, first step we do implementing the
business level and given that the database schema is defined, we
create a DM class for each database table directly mapping the table's
columns to the class fields - one field for each column. A
DM is a very simple class derived from
abstract parent and has no methods, only public member variables with
the same names as the corresponding columns and respective
types. Note, that a primitive type can be used only if the
corresponding column is not nullable. Otherwise, a standard Java
wrapper class must be used, so the field can be set to null
the column in the database contains SQL NULL
. If a primitive
type is used for a nullable field the most likely result will be that
sooner or later you get a NullPointerException
originating in
the depths of Java refelection toolkit. Also, stylistically it is a
good practice to use primitive types for not nullable fields and
reference type for nullable ones, because it shows which fields in the
DM are nullable and which not without consulting the database table
At this point we are ready to create three DM classes for our three database tables. It is recommended to call DM classes with the same names as corresponding tables and add suffix "DM".
For Person
table we have got:
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.DataModel; public class AddressDM extends DataModel { public int addressId; public String street1; public String street2; public String city; public String state; public String zip; }
For Address
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.DataModel; public class AddressDM extends DataModel { public int addressId; public String street1; public String street2; public String city; public String state; public String zip; }
For Phone
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.DataModel; public class PhoneDM extends DataModel { public int personId; public String type; // not nullable public String phone; // not nullable }
Now, in the DAO configuration section of the
file we have to create a descriptor for each DM and associate it with a database
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE blo-config PUBLIC "-//Boyle Software, Inc.//DTD CB2 Business Level Configuration 1.0//EN" ""> <blo-config> <!-- - BLO descriptors. We shall fill in this section later. --> <!-- - The DAO configuration. --> <dao-config> <dm name="person" table="Person"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PersonDM</class> </dm> <dm name="address" table="Address"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.AddressDM</class> </dm> <dm name="phone" table="Phone"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PhoneDM</class> </dm> </dao-config> </blo-config>
Note, that it is not necessary to associate all DMs with
tables. There may be DMs used only in complex selects with joined
tables or simple selects fetching only a subset of all columns and
such DMs are not directly associated with any particular table, they
merely represent data in a certain result set. However, it a DM to be
used with those DAO methods that automatically construct SQL queries,
such as updates, inserts and deletes, the DAO needs the DM to table
association. In our simple case all our DMs directly correspond to
database tables and therefore they all have 'table'
attribute in
their XML descriptors.
Now, if we want to select all records from the Person
table we
have to define the query in the 'blo-config.xml'
... <dao-config> <dm name="person" table="Person"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PersonDM</class> </dm> ... <query name="listAllPeople" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person </sql> </query> </dao-config> ...
This associates the SQL query with then name
and tells that the corresponding to the querie's
result set DM is 'person'
. To execute the query we make call the
DAO's fetch
from Java:
DAO dao = getDAO(); // get reference to the DAO PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("listAllPeople", null);
This call will return an array of DMs, one for each row in
the table, with the fields populated with the data from the
database. The DMs in the array will be in the order the query returned
them. The second argument of the fetch
method is used for
passing parameters to the query, but since our query needs no
parameters we pass null
Some optional parameters can be passed to the fetch
method. For
example, if we want the result set to be ordered by person last name
we can make the following call:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("listAllPeople", null, new String [] { "lastName" }, DAO.ORDER_ASC);
The DAO then will automatically modify the text of the query
and will append an ORDER BY
clause to it. Ordering by multiple
columns can be requested as well:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("listAllPeople", null, new String [] { "lastName", "firstName" }, DAO.ORDER_ASC);
A clause 'ORDER BY lastName ASC, firstName ASC'
will be
appended to the query before calling the database.
Another supplementary feature is the result set pagination. A certain segment, or page, of the whole result set can be requested. For example, we need to display the second page of a long list of people on the screen while one page consists of 20 records. The following call then can be made:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("listAllPeople", null, 1, // page number starting from zero 20, // page size null);
The resulting array then will contain at most 20 records
starting from the 20th in the result set. The null
passed as
the fifth argument can be replaced with an instance of
which will be filled by the method with additional information about
the whole result set. For example, if we also need to know how many
records are in the whole result set, not only the requested page, we
can make this call:
FetchResultDescriptor frd = new FetchResultDescriptor(); PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("listAllPeople", null, 1, // page number starting from zero 20, // page size frd); int numberOfPages = (frd.getRowsTotal() - 1)/20 + 1;
Queries can also be parametrized. For example, we need our query not just list all people in the table, but do a search by last name. Then the query transforms to:
... <query name="searchPeopleByLastName" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person WHERE lastName LIKE ? </sql> </query> ...
And we can call it, for example, like this:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("searchPeopleByLastName", new Object [] { "%" + searchFor + "%" });
If we would like to search a substring in both last and first name, then the query will be:
... <query name="searchPeopleByLastName" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person WHERE lastName LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? </sql> </query> ...
And the call:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("searchPeopleByLastName", new Object [] { "%" + searchFor + "%", "%" + searchFor + "%" });
We can add any number of parameters. For example, we would like to search by person's name and his state:
... <query name="searchPeopleByLastName" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE ( lastName LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? ) AND ( HomeAddress.state = ? OR WorkAddress.state = ? ) </sql> </query> ...
And the call:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("searchPeopleByLastName", new Object [] { "%" + nameSubstring + "%", "%" + nameSubstring + "%", state, state });
A query parameter in the input array can be an array
itself, in
which case if a double-question mark is placed in the corresponding
position in the query text it will be expanded to a sequence of comma
separated single question marks according to the number of elements in
the sub-array. It is particularly useful with SQL IN
conditions. For example:
... <query name="searchPeopleByLastName" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE ( lastName LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? ) AND ( HomeAddress.state IN (??) OR WorkAddress.state IN (??) ) </sql> </query> ...
Then, if we are looking for people only in New York's tri-state area, we could make the following call:
PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetch("searchPeopleByLastName", new Object [] { "%" + nameSubstring + "%", "%" + nameSubstring + "%", new Object [] { "NY", "NJ", "CT" }, new Object [] { "NY", "NJ", "CT" }, });
Both IN
conditions then will be expanded from
'IN (??)'
to 'IN (?, ?, ?)'
before the parameters are set.
As we can see, the parameters are passed to queries basing on their
position in the input array and the position of the corresponding
question mark in the querie's text. This is a very simple and efficient
approach, however it has some disadvantages. First, Java code depends on
the SQL query structure and if the position of a parameter changes after
modification of a query the Java code making calls to it has to be
reviewed as well. Second, as in the example above, if the same parameter
is used multiple times in a query it has to be passed to the
method as multiple elements of the input array.
There is an alternative way to pass parameters to a query - one, which uses named parameters. We can modify the search query above and use special named parameter placeholders instead of simple question marks:
... <query name="searchPeopleByLastName" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE ( lastName LIKE {? name} OR firstName LIKE {? name} ) AND ( HomeAddress.state IN ({?? states}) OR WorkAddress.state IN ({?? states}) ) </sql> </query> ...
The fetch call then uses a map to pass parameters instead of an array:
Map params = new HashMap(2); params.put("name", "%" + nameSubstring + "%"); params.put("states", new Object [] { "NY", "NJ", "CT" }); PersonDM [] people = (PersonDM [])dao.fetchWithNamedParams("searchPeopleByLastName", params);
As mentioned above, the DAO
can construct an UPDATE
SQL statement automatically given a DM
by simply including all the DM fields into the statement, so there is
no need to define the query in the DAO configuration. However, to be
able to generate an appropriate WHERE
clause to select the
record we want to update, the DAO needs to distinguish between record
identifying and regular data fields in the DM. Then, all id fields will be included into the UPADTE
clause and all other fields will be included into the
clause. The DM's descriptor in the DAO configuration XML
file identities which fields are id fields. In our case the three DM
descriptors in the 'blo-config.xml'
file become this:
... <dao-config> <dm name="person" table="Person"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PersonDM</class> <idfield name="personId"/> </dm> <dm name="address" table="Address"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.AddressDM</class> <idfield name="addressId"/> </dm> <dm name="phone" table="Phone"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PhoneDM</class> </dm> ... </dao-config> ...
Note that we have added <idfield>
elements to the
and address
DMs descriptors.
Now, for example, we want to capitalize last and first name in a
person record with id '12'
. The following Java code does that:
// get reference to the DAO DAO dao = getDAO(); // fetch the record // (we assume it always exists and there is a query fetchPersonById // defined in the blo-config.xml which takes one parameter and // selects a single person DM by personId) PersonDM person = ((PersonDM [])dao.fetch("fetchPersonById", new Object [] { new Integer(12) }))[0]; // at this point all fields in person are filled with data from // the database, the personId field is 12 // update the DM person.lastName = person.lastName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + person.lastName.substring(1).toLowerCase(); if(person.firstName != null) { // the firstName is nullable! person.firstName = person.firstName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + person.firstName.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } // commit the change dao.update(person);
The last call will generate and execute an SQL statement similar to this:
UPDATE Person SET lastName = 'Tilsen', firstName = 'Moses', homeAddressId = 100, workAddressId = NULL, email = '', wantsSpam = 0, comments = NULL WHERE personId = 12
The table name and information about which fields are id fields and which are not is taken from the DM descriptor in the DAO configuration file.
Also, it is possible to have multiple id fields in a DM, which is useful when the DM
corresponds to a table with a compound primary key. In such a case all
id fields will be included into the WHERE
clause and combined
using AND
Inserting data is very
similar to updating described above with one important difference -
id fields values should be generated for the new record. For each id
field the DAO should be provided with a special SELECT
that returns the id field's new value. Different databases implement
the mechanism of new id generation differently, but in the most cases
the implementation falls into one of the following two categories:
query and then this value is used in the
statement along with the values for all other fields. An
example is Oracle, which has special database objects called sequences
serving, particularly, the purpose of generating values for id fields.
The query, which returns the new id values, can be associated with a
DM's id field with 'srcquery'
attribute of the <idfield>
element in the DM's descriptor. This attribute names the query defined
using a <query>
element somewhere in the DAO configuration. The
way the query should be called is defined by the <idfield>
attribute, which can take one of the two values:
or 'post'
. If it is 'pre'
, which is the default,
the srcquery
will be called before the main insert is performed
(the second category in the list above). If it is 'post'
query will be called after (the first category).
For example, if we had a Microsoft SQL Server database and the
column in the Person
table, as well as
in Address
columns, our
DAO configuration could look like this:
... <dao-config> <dm name="person" table="Person"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PersonDM</class> <idfield name="personId" srcquery="getIdentity" srcorder="post"/> </dm> <dm name="address" table="Address"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.AddressDM</class> <idfield name="addressId" srcquery="getIdentity" srcorder="post"/> </dm> <dm name="phone" table="Phone"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PhoneDM</class> </dm> ... <query name="getIdentity"> <sql> SELECT @@IDENTITY </sql> </query> </dao-config> ...
Immediately after every insert into Person
will be called and the
returned value will be assumed to be the id of the just inserted
record. The id column itself meanwhile will not appear in the
generated INSERT
statement - the database will insert the
appropriate value automatically.
If it was, for example, Oracle and there was a sequence named
, the configuration would be:
... <dao-config> <dm name="person" table="Person"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PersonDM</class> <idfield name="personId" srcquery="getNextId" srcorder="pre"/> </dm> <dm name="address" table="Address"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.AddressDM</class> <idfield name="addressId" srcquery="getNextId" srcorder="pre"/> </dm> <dm name="phone" table="Phone"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PhoneDM</class> </dm> ... <query name="getNextId"> <sql> SELECT EntityIds.NEXTVAL </sql> </query> </dao-config> ...
This way 'SELECT EntityIds.NEXTVAL'
will be called
first and then the returned value will be used in the generated
statement along with all other fields from the DM.
In both cases, the Java code would look like this:
// get the DAO DAO dao = getDAO(); // build a DM PersonDM person = new PersonDM(); person.lastName = "Tilsen"; person.firstName = "Moses"; person.homeAddressId = new Integer(100); person.workAddressId = null; = ""; person.wantsSpam = false; person.comments = null; // insert the record dao.insert(person); // log the new record's id log.debug("Inserted new person record, id = " + person.personId);
The insert method, beside generating and executing an
statement, also updates the passed DM instance and sets
the id fields, so we leave the personId
untouched in the sample
above where we build and populate a DM and then we can find the new
record's id set in the field after the insert
Deleting a record is
simple: we create an instance of the DM, set the id fields and call
the delete
method on the DAO:
// get the DAO DAO dao = getDAO(); // create a DM instance PersonDM person = new PersonDM(); // set the id of the record we want to delete person.personId = 12; // do delete dao.delete(person);
The generated query then will be 'DELETE FROM Person
WHERE personId = 12'
. All other than id fields in the DM are
ignored. If a DM has multiple id fields they are combined using
in the WHERE
clause, just the same way the
In a more advanced case we may not be satisfied with simple SQL statements the DAO is able to generate and the DAO allows us to define and execute any SQL text. For example, in the DAO configuration:
... <dao-config> ... <query name="turnoverActivityHistory"> <sql><![CDATA[ DECLARE @startDate DATETIME SELECT @startDate = ? INSERT INTO ActivityHistory SELECT * FROM Activity WHERE closingDate >= @startDate IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN UPDATE Activity SET lastTurnoverDate = GETDATE() WHERE closingDate >= @startDate END ]]></sql> </query> ... </dao-config> ...
Can be executed like this:
DAO dao = getDAO(); dao.update("turnoverActivityHistory", new Object [] { new java.sql.Date() });
SQL text of statements can also be passed to the DAO directly from Java without defining them in the DAO configuration file. There are lots of other features in the DAO as well, see Javadoc-generated API reference and the DTD files for complete details.
As we established the DAO's
methods return arrays of DMs. But what if in the earlier
example of selecting people records we wanted to fetch information
about people along with their addresses using one single
? It is possible using nested DMs.
The first step is we add a nested address DMs to the person DM:
public class PersonDM extends DataModel { // table columns public int personId; public String lastName; // not nullable public String firstName; public Integer homeAddressId; public Integer workAddressId; public String email; public boolean wantsSpam; public String comments; // nested DMs public AddressDM homeAddress; public AddressDM workAddress; }
Now, in our SELECT
statement we can join
table with Address
table and include data from
the Address
table into the result set. The result set though
has to be structured in a special fashion to allow the DAO to parse it
and put values from the columns to the appopriate fields in the
top-level and nested DMs. In the case of one to zero-or-one
relationship, which is the case in the example we are discussing, the
following rule should be applied to the result set structure: columns
belonging to one nested DM are groupped together in a sequence in the
result set and the whole group is preceded by a column having the
number of following nested DM columns as its value and as its label -
the nested DM field's name in the parent DM. The query fetching person
details by a person id will look like the following:
<query name="fetchPersonById" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT -- person details fields from Person table personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments, -- home address nested DM 5 AS homeAddress, -- means: the following 5 fields -- belong to the nested DM -- in field named homeAddress HomeAddress.street1, HomeAddress.street2,, HomeAddress.state,, -- work address nested DM 5 AS workAddress, WorkAddress.street1, WorkAddress.street2,, WorkAddress.state, FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE personId = ? </sql> </query>
Note a very important feature of the query above - it does
not select addressId
from HomeAddress
. The reason is that the tables (in fact it is the
same table but joined twice) are joined using an outer join and
therefore may return nulls in the columns. At the same time the
field in AddressDM
has primitive type
, so if it was included in the result column list and there
was no home or work address for a record ( homeAddressId
) we would get an exception when
the DAO tried to set the field in the nested DM. Fortunately
(usually), we've got the ids in the top level DM in the
and workAddressId
fields and they are
nullable. Another conclusion is that a nested DM field is never set to
even if it is joined using an outer join and there is no
respective record in the joined table. Instead, all the fields
included in the result set will be set to null
and some other
mechanism should be employed to determine if a record is present or
not (in our case address id fields in the parent PersonDM
be checked for null
). What implies from the query above also is
that if a column is not included in the result column list respective
DM field will stay untouched and it is not any kind of error, except
maybe stylistical, to have unused fields in DMs. This way a single DM
class can be potentially used with different queries fetching this or
that set or subset of the DM's fields, although we recommend to have a
hierarchy of DM classes that extend one another each adding more
fields and use different DM classes for different result sets.
One nested DM can include another nested DM. For example, suppose we
have another table called State
that has two columns:
with a two-letter state code, and fullName
holds the state's full name. Now, we want to select a person record
with home address and the full name of the state in the home
address. First, we define a DM class for the State
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.DataModel; public class StateDM extends DataModel { public String state; // not nullable public String fullName; // not nullable }
Next, we add a nested DM to the AddressDM
public class AddressDM extends DataModel { public int addressId; public String street1; public String street2; public String city; public String state; public String zip; public StateDM stateInfo; }
And now we are ready to write a SELECT
for two nested
SELECT -- person details fields from Person table personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments, -- home address nested DM 8 AS homeAddress, -- we include 5 fields for the -- address and 3 fields for the -- state info (2 data fields and -- the header column) Address.street1, Address.street2,, Address.state,, -- state info nested DM 2 AS stateInfo, State.state, State.fullName FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address ON Address.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN State ON State.state = Address.state
This was the technique for one to zero-or-one relationship (or one to one, which is the same but no nulls). With phone numbers we have got a different situation, it is one to zero-or-more relationship. In this case we need an array of nested DMs instead of a single nested DM:
public class PersonDM extends DataModel { // table columns public int personId; public String lastName; // not nullable public String firstName; public Integer homeAddressId; public Integer workAddressId; public String email; public boolean wantsSpam; public String comments; // nested DMs public AddressDM homeAddress; public AddressDM workAddress; public PhoneDM [] phones; }
For nested DM arrays the result set should be structured differently. First of all, only one nested array can be fetched on one nesting level at once and the columns belonging to the nested array should all be groupped at the very end of the result column list. The header column, instead of the number of nested DM fields contains a value, which identifies the parent record and the result set should be ordered so rows containing data for the same array immediately follow each other - as long as the value of the header column stays the same for subsequent rows the data from the rows is added to the same array of DMs; as soon as the header column changes a new parent DM is created and a new nested array of DMs is started. For example:
SELECT -- person details fields from Person table Person.personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments, -- nested array of DMs Person.personId AS phones, -- personId identifies the -- parent DM and the nested DMs -- array field is called phones. Phone.personId, -- second time for the DM field Phone.type, FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Phone ON Phone.personId = Person.personId ORDER BY Person.personId -- phones for one person immediately -- follow each other
Note the ORDER BY
clause, which makes phones for the
same person follow each other in the result set making possible for
the DAO to group them all together and put into one nested array.
We can safely include Phone.personId
to the result column list
even though there is an outer join - an empty array will be assigned
to the phones
field of the PersonDM
for people who does
not have any phone numbers, so the DAO will never try to set a
to the id field of primitive type. This situation,
possible with outer joins, is identified by checking the first column
in the nested DM column list in the first row of data for a new parent
- if it is NULL
it is assumed that there
are no records in the nested array and processing of the next parent
DM starts from the next row. It implies that the first column of the
nested DM column list should be better not nullable. In our case it is
, which suites perfectly for the purpose. Note
also, that nested arrays are never set by the DAO to null
, but
empty arrays are possible.
Let's have a look at the following result set:
personId | lastName | ... | phones | personId | type | phone ----------+----------+-----+--------+----------+------+------------ 100 | Tilsen | ... | 100 | 100 | HOM | 1112223333 100 | Tilsen | ... | 100 | 100 | WRK | 1113334444 100 | Tilsen | ... | 100 | 100 | MOB | 2224445566 101 | Pilat | ... | 101 | NULL | NULL | NULL 102 | Praetor | ... | 102 | 102 | WRK | 1113332277 ----------+----------+-----+--------+----------+------+------------ Total: 5 rows
The DAO's fetch
method will return an array of 3
person DMs. The first one will have 3 phone DMs in its phones
nested array, the second will have an empty array, and the thrid will
have a one-element array.
Although it is impossible to have two nested arrays on one level
selected at once, DMs in a nested array can have nested arrays
too. The result set then is structured so the deeper a nested array
is, the closer to the end of the result column list its columns
are. It is also necessary to order the result set by mutliple columns
in such a case. A DM, of course, can still have multiple nested array
fields, but the DAO is able to fetch data only for one of them using a
single SELECT
Single nested DMs and nested arrays of DMs can be mixed in one result set. For example, a query selecting all the information about people from our database would look like the following:
SELECT -- person details fields from Person table personId, lastName, firstName, homeAddressId, workAddressId, email, wantsSpam, comments, -- home address nested DM 5 AS homeAddress, HomeAddress.street1, HomeAddress.street2,, HomeAddress.state,, -- work address nested DM 5 AS workAddress, WorkAddress.street1, WorkAddress.street2,, WorkAddress.state,, -- nested array of phone DMs Person.personId AS phones, Phone.type, FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Phone ON Phone.personId = Person.personId ORDER BY Person.personId
Very important notice is that when we use nested arrays of
DMs we cannot use the DAO's result set pagination
feature. Various number of result set rows correspond to DMs in
the top-level array built by the fetch
method and it makes
impossible for the DAO to scroll to the row corresponding to the first
record of the requested page, because the row number can be anything
depending on the data of DMs in the previous pages.
The DMs with nested DMs and arrays of DMs can still be used with the
DAO's updates, inserts and deletes. The thing is that those methods
ignore array fields and fields of type extending DataModel
they construct SQL statements.
It happens very
often when we need to list all DM fields in a SELECT
query in
the DAO configuration file. There is an extended syntax, which can do
it automatically helping to create simple and complex select field
{dm [from <table name>] [prefix <column alias prefix>] [excluding|only (<field name> [, <field name> ...])] [{<nested DM field name> [from <table name>] [prefix <column alias prefix>] [excluding|only (<field name> [, <field name> ...])] [by <parent DM id field name>] [{<nested DM field name> ...} ... ] } ... ] }
This macro expands automatically to a list of select fields, which can be tuned using various optional clauses:
from <table name>
- overrides the table associated
with the DM in the DM descriptor and forces the DM fields to be
selected from the named table. Especially useful when using table
prefix <column alias prefix>
- prefix column
aliases, that map result set columns to DM fields, with the specified
prefix. The prefix is ignored by the column name to field name mapping
mechanism, but it allows to have columns corresponding to DM fields
with the same name by adding different prefixes to the column aliases.
excluding (<field name> [, <field name> ...])
- excludes the named DM fields from the select list completely.
only (<field name> [, <field name> ...])
includes only the named DM fields.
{<nested DM field name> ...}
- render
select field list for a nested DM corresponding the named parent DM
field. This clause automatically determines if the nested DM field is
an array or a single DM and generates the appropriate header
column. Using this syntax nested DM clauses can have more nested DMs
by <parent DM id field name>
- in the case of a
nested array of DMs, this clause specifies name of the field in the
parent DM, which identifies parent records and will be used in the
header column. By default, the first id field of the parent DM is
For example, the last query in the previous section could be rewritten:
<query name="fetchPersonById" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT {dm {homeAddress} {workAddress} {phones} } FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Phone ON Phone.personId = Person.personId ORDER BY Person.personId </sql> </query>
Looks simple, isn't it? But in reality, and in our
particular case, it would not be correct if we did so. The problems
are: homeAddress
and workAddress
nested DMs will include
field and, as we established earlier, we cannot do
it. Secondly, since table named 'Address'
is associated with the
DM corresponding to the homeAddress
and workAddress
nested DM fields, exactly that table will be used to select the
fields, while there is no Address
table in our FROM
clause - it is aliased to 'HomeAddress'
and 'WorkAddress'
For the first problem there are four alternative solutions:
fields (as we did earlier). In this case the extended
syntax does not help us and we are still listing DM fields in two
places - the DM class and the select list, which is not very nice.
in the
from int
to Integer
, which is
stylistically not nice at all, because it implies that the
field is nullable while it is not.
field and another extending it and adding the addressId
(to be used with updates, inserts and deletes).
The second problem, with the table name aliases, can be simply solved
by using from
This way, our query becomes this:
<query name="fetchPersonById" usedm="person"> <sql> SELECT {dm {homeAddress FROM HomeAddress EXCLUDING(addressId)} {workAddress FROM WorkAddress EXCLUDING(addressId)} {phones} } FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Phone ON Phone.personId = Person.personId ORDER BY Person.personId </sql> </query>
Now this will work just fine.
The last still undiscussed DAO feature we will need in our sample application allows to use dynamically constructed SQL queries while having the query parts still in the DAO configuration file. Different parts of a complex SQL query can be specially tagged and then conditionally included or excluded from the final SQL query text. The set of conditions is specified from the Java code at the time of making a DAO call.
Suppose we would like to be able to search people in the database by
last name, first name, city and state, or any combination of these
properties. Having a separate SQL query with a different WHERE
clause for each combination is impractical. One solution is to have a
complex WHERE
clause that checks if this or that condition
should be included into the final filter by analyzing a special
parameter, say a set of bits one for each condition present:
SELECT {dm} FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE ({? searchBy} & 1 = 0 OR lastName LIKE {? lastName}) AND ({? searchBy} & 2 = 0 OR firstName LIKE {? firstName}) AND ({? searchBy} & 4 = 0 OR LIKE {? city} OR LIKE {? city}) AND ({? searchBy} & 8 = 0 OR HomeAddress.state = {? state} OR WorkAddress.state = {? state})
Then, passing searchBy
parameter with different bits
set we can turn on or off this or that condition. The problem with
this approach is that first, it makes the query overly complicated,
and second, not every database engine is able to optimize the query
execution properly and a query with such a complex WHERE
will be slow.
Another approach is to simply build the query text in Java
programmatically and then execute it with the DAO's
or executeUpdate
methods. The obvious
disadvantage is spreading the SQL code over different places in the
application source.
The DAO's extended syntax provides a better solution. We can tag
different parts of the WHERE
clause, called
conditions, with
different names in the SQL query definition and then specify a set of
condition names we would like to include to the final query text right
where we call the DAO. A condition has the following synthax:
{cond (<condition name>) <chunk of SQL text>}
In our case the search query will look like this:
SELECT {dm} FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS HomeAddress ON HomeAddress.addressId = Person.homeAddressId LEFT OUTER JOIN Address AS WorkAddress ON WorkAddress.addressId = Person.workAddressId WHERE 1 = 1 -- to make SQL synthax valid when no conditions are included {cond (lastName) AND lastName LIKE {? lastName}} {cond (firstName) AND firstName LIKE {? firstName}} {cond (city) AND ( LIKE {? city} OR LIKE {? city})} {cond (state) AND (HomeAddress.state = {? state} OR WorkAddress.state = {? state})}
The the Java code calling this query could be:
// get the DAO DAO dao = getDAO(); // build the conditions set and the parameters map Set conds = new HashSet(); Map params = new HashMap(); if(lastName != null) { conds.add("lastName"); params.put("lastName", lastName); } if(firstName != null) { conds.add("firstName"); params.put("firstName", firstName); } if(city != null) { conds.add("city"); params.put("city", city); } if(state != null) { conds.add("state"); params.put("state", state); } // do fetch PersonDM [] res = (PersonDM [])dao.fetchWithNamedParams("searchPeople", conds, params);
Or, in our particular case, we can do it without a dedicated
PersonDM [] res = (PersonDM [])dao.fetchWithNamedParams("searchPeople", params.keySet(), params);
The DAO itself does not manage database connections, nor does it control database transactions. Instead, the application context provides it with the connection, and, regarding the transactions, all the DAO calls are supposed to be executed in a transactional context (or its absence) created and maintained elsewhere. How transactions work in CB2 we shall discuss later, while at this point we will see how to configure the application context so it maintains a pool, or multiple pools of database connections available to all other subsystems including the DAO.
The application context configuration file is called
. In fact, this file contains a free set of
application properties, just some of them have special meaning and are
interpreted by the application context when it is being configured,
for example, at the application startup (the application context can
be reconfigured during the application operation at any time). The
application context is able to maintain connections to multiple
databases, each database is represented by a separate
object and each data source object can be
configured individually through the application context
properties. Each data source is given a name. Data source names are
free-form, except there is one special name "default"
corresponding to the default data source. All over the API if a method
leads to requesting a database connection from the application context
it is possible to specify the name of the data source, with which the
caller would like to work. If no name is specified the
"default" is assumed making it easy for applications that work
with a single data source.
There are two ways to configure a data source. The data source can be
configured and created somewhere outside CB2, for example in the
servlet container, and then made available through JNDI. All that the
application context needs in this case is the name of the data source
object, under which it can be found in the initial JNDI context. The
name is provided with the
'com.boylesoftware.cb2.dataSource. data source
name .jndiPath'
application property. For example, we can have the
following line in ''
Then the getDAO()
method, used so frequently in the Java code
samples above (in fact, we meant the BLObject
's getDAO
method, which is going to be clear a little bit later), will return
reference to a DAO connected to the default data source, which is the
data source available under 'java:comp/env/jdbc/myDataSource'
name in the JNDI.
If we had multiple data sources and needed a DAO connected to another
database we would have something like this in the
And we would call the getDAO
with a parameter specifying the
data source name:
DAO dao = getDAO("otherDatabase");
In fact getDAO()
just calls getDAO("default")
Note that CB2 creates a dedicated instance of DAO for each data
source. Also, each individual DAO has its own <dao-config>
section marked with the corresponding data source name in the BL
configuration file.
The other way of configuring a data source allows us to develop
applications in environments where JNDI is not available. In this case
the application context creates and configures the data source
object(s) on its own. Below is a fragment of ''
file configuring the default data source as an Apache Commons Database
Connection Pool (DBCP) connected to a PostgreSQL database:
The application context then creates an instance of
and sets all
properties on it as on a Java bean thus configuring
The buisness logic of the application is
implemented in the BLOs. For our
simple address book application we are going to need just one BLO, but
usually many BLOs are created during application development, each
covering its own piece of the business logic. Quite often BLOs are not
that isolated and depend on each other calling each other's service,
communicating. BLO implementations extend
abstract class and are provided
with an internal service interface - a number of protected methods
supposed to be called from the BLO's user-defined methods to access
such subsystems as, say, application context or the DAO. Also, there
is a number of callback methods invoked by the framework during the
BLO's life-cycle. Beside those, a BLO implements custom business
methods providing its clients with an API.
We recommend to call BLO classes with noun expressions naming a
business entity or service and suffix the name with "BLO". Our
only BLO class will be AddressBookBLO
for the address book
business entity:
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.BLObject; /** * BLO that represents the address book business entity. */ public class AddressBookBLO extends BLObject { //... }
Now we shall discuss various aspects of a BLO
implementation. Note, that a complete source code of
can be downloaded along with the source code of
the Address Book sample application.
The business level has a notion of user sessions. In a web-application the framework automatically
keeps the list of BL user sessions synchronized with the servlet
container's sessions, that is whenever a new HTTP session is created
by the servlet engine a corresponding user session is created in the
business level, and whenever an HTTP session dies the corresponding BL
user session is destroyed. Although every HTTP session has a
corresponding user session in the BL and the process of maintaining
the two types of sessions synchronized is completely automatic,
technically they are not the same - HTTP session is represented by a
object, is maintained by the
servlet engine and is considered a purely presentation level entity,
while a BL user session is represented by a
and is maintained by the BLManager
When a new session is registered in the BL manager it creates a new
instance (or takes an idle instance from the pool) of BLO container to
represent the session. Then, the BLO container is populated with new
instances of all BLOs that are defined in the BL configuration file
(again, a new instance of a BLO is created or an idle instance is
grabbed from the pool). Therefore, each individual user session has
its own instance of a BLO container and a set of its own instances of
all BLOs. Each BLO then is notified by calling its init
giving it a chance to initialize itself. The initialization of the
BLOs is performed in the order defined in the BL configuration file,
so one BLO can call service of another's in its init
method if
the other one is initialized first. This ends the session
initialization phase and from this point the BLOs can be looked up in
the BLO container by their deployment names and their business methods
can be invoked.
When the session is being destroyed all the BLOs in the corresponding
BLO container are notified by calling their destroy
methods. After that the BLO container itself is destroyed and removed
from the BL manager. In fact, instances of BLOs and BLO containers can
be reused, meaning that instead of destoying them the BL manager can
decide to cache the unused instances in a pool.
A BLO can be marked as "shared" in its descriptor in the BL
configuration file. In this case it does not participate in the
process described above. The meaning of a shared BLO is that its
instance is shared by all user sessions instead of each session having
its own instance of the BLO. All shared BLOs are instantiated and
initialized by calling their init
methods once at the
application startup. Only one instance of each shared BLO exists
within the application and is shared by all user sessions. The shared
BLOs' init
methods are very good place for any application
initialization code. The BLOs' destroy
methods are called when
the whole application goes down.
If a BLO logically does not have any user session specific state it is
a good candidate to be a shared BLO. Making it shared will make the
application more efficient and less memory consuming. Shared BLOs are
also often used for keeping application-wide caches of rarely changed
data. For example, we could have a shared BLO that fetches the list of
all US states from the database in its init
method and stores
the list in an internal member variable. Later, different parts of our
application could read the list from the BLO without going to the
database for it.
Note also, that because of the shared nature of shared BLOs when multiple user sessions share the same instance it is important for developers to pay attention to possible concurrent access synchronization issues. It is especially important in a web-application when multiple concurrent requests served by different threads are being processed at the same time and they all access the single instance of the shared BLO.
At the same time, the concurrent access issues in the case of regular, session-scope BLOs almost completely do not exist. The reason is that to access a BLO the client code first gets the corresponding to the session BLO container from the BL manager and then looks up the required BLO in it. When the BL manager returns a BLO container to the client it locks it and if any other thread requests the BLO container for the same session the BL manager will make it wait until the BLO container is released by the first thread and the first thread releases it after it made all the BLO calls it needed. In the most cases the client code does not have to do anything about the process of locking and unlocking BLO containers, it happens automatically behind the scenes and the client code is provided with a reference to the BLO container where it can look up and call BLOs. The mechanism of BLO container locking makes any concurrent access synchronization in regular BLO implementations almost completely unnecessary.
BLOs can communicate with each other and with other CB2
subsystems. The BLObject
abstract class contains a number of
protected methods and member variables intended for the internal BLO
usage. Table 2.1 lists the major elements of this internal
service interface. These methods and variables can be accessed from
the BLO's business and life-cycle methods.
A BLO implements a set of custom public methods that represent its
business API. Since we know what operations our sample web-application
will need to perform on the address book we can define the
's interface:
public class AddressBookBLO extends BLObject { /** * Searches the database for person records matching a certain * condition. * * @param lastNameSubstr substring of a person's last name. null * if last name should not participate in the filter. * @param firstNameSubstr substring of a person's first name or * null. * @param citySubstr substring of the city name in a person's * home or business address or null. * @param state two-letter US state code in a person's home or * business address or null. * * @return array of descriptors of records matching the * condition or an empty array. * * @throws BLException if a database error happens. */ public PersonShortDM [] searchPeople(String lastNameSubstr, String firstNameSubstr, String citySubstr, String state) throws BLException { //... } /** * Gets a person record details by the person id. * * @param personId id of the record requested. * * @return completely filled person DM with home and work * addresses and all phone numbers. * * @throws BLException if a database error happens or no * record with the specified id exists. */ public PersonDM getPersonDetails(int personId) throws BLException { //... } /** * Creates new or updates existing person record basing in the * information provided in the specified DM. If personId in the * DM is equal or less than zero a new record is created, * otherwise an existing record with that id is updated. * * @param person a DM with the new data including home and work * address and phone numbers nested DMs. * * @return true if the operation was successful, false if there * the operation cannot be performed, for example, beacuse * another record with the same first and last names exist. * Check getLastErrors() if the method returns false. * * @throws BLException if a database error happens or trying * to update a record with personId which does not exist. */ public boolean savePersonDetails(PersonDM person) throws BLException { //... } /** * If the savePersonDetails call was successful the BLO * remembers the DM for the saved person. This method gets it. * Can be used for a confirmation page after a person successful * save operation. * * @return DM of the last successfully saved person with personId, * home and work addresses, and all phone numbers set in it. * Returns null if no successful operation has been performed yet. */ public PersonDM getLastSavedPersonDetails() { //... } /** * Deletes a person record from the database. * * @param personId id of the record to delete. * * @throws BLException if a database error happens or no record * with the specified id exist. */ public void deletePerson(int personId) throws BLException { //... } }
This should provide us with all we need when we will be implementing the presentation level.
Note, that methods that work with the database can throw an exception,
. And
also note, that the comment to the savePersonDetails
mentions a
method called getLastErrors
. These are related to how BLOs
handle various kinds of errors and exceptional situations. Let's
discuss it in the following section.
In CB2 we distinguish two major kinds of errors:
unexpected from the business logic point of view technical problems
that should not happen during normal application operation, and errors
that can normally happen during the workflow due to, for example,
incorrect user input. The first kind usually results in a special
error screen displayed to users, the error description logged, the
current transaction rolled back, a notification emailed or paged to
the operator and all those kinds of serious consequences. The second
kind usually results just in a message displayed to the user asking to
correct the causes why his request cannot be accepted by the
application and try again. An example of the first kind of error could
be an unexpected SQLException
originating in the JDBC driver
telling that the database became unavailable for this or that reason
in response to a DAO call. Clearly, this kind of exceptional situation
does not fit into the normal, supposed business logic workflow and can
be considered an application failure. At the same time, when a new
person record cannot be created because the user specified first and
last name of an already existing record it cannot be considered to be
any sort of application failure and illustrates the second type or
error being, in fact, a normal business situation, upon which the
application should explain to the user why the request cannot be
accepted and suggest to correct the data.
CB2 encourages usage of different ways of reporting and processing the
two different types of errors. Encourages, but does not insist, of
course. It is recommended to report unexpected application failures
orignating in the business level by throwing a
or a custom application
specific exception derived from the BLException
. Almost every
DAO method throws a BLException
in case any database problems
so there is usually no need to catch and rethrow any exceptions in
business methods of BLOs. A BLException
can also be created and
thrown from a business method of a BLO in response to unexpectedly
invalid call. For example, getPersonDetails
method in the
assumes that existance of the record
corresponding to the specified id is checked elsewhere before the
method is called and thus it throws an exception if no record has the
specified personId
public PersonDM getPersonDetails(int personId) throws BLException { PersonDM [] res = (PersonDM [])this.getDAO(). fetch("fetchPersonById", new Object [] { new Integer(personId) }); // check if the select returned a record if(res.length < 1) throw new BLException("Person with id [" + personId + "] does not exist."); return res[0]; }
The errors that are not application failures can be reported
by the business methods without throwing any exceptions. For example,
a method can return a special value used to indicate that the call was
unsuccessful. In addition to returning a special value the method
optionally uses protected BLObject
method called
to store in the BLO's special internal member
variable a com.boylesoftware.cb2.BLErrors
object containing
information about what excactly has happened. The caller analyzes the
returned value after the business method call and if it indicates that
there were problems it calls getLastErrors
public method on the
BLO, which returns the BLErrors
object set inside of the last
called business method to see what was the error or errors. The
method automatically clears the BLO's internal
variable that holds BLErrors
so if called immediately once
again getLastErrors
will return no errors until another
business method sets new BLErrors
Our AddressBookBLO
has a method called
, which does not allow setting first and last
name for a record if another record already has the same. It is
perfectly normal though if a user tries to submit such a request, so
throwing an exception and displaying a special application failure
page in response is not appropriate. Instead, the
method returns false
indicating that
the request was not fulfilled and sets BLErrors
with the
particular error code:
... /** * Error code indicating that a person with the same * first and last name already exists. */ public static final int ERROR_NAME_EXISTS = 1; ... /** * DM of the last successfully saved person. Set by savePersonDetails, * used by getLastSavedPersonDetails. */ private PersonDM lastSavedPerson; ... public boolean savePersonDetails(PersonDM person) throws BLException { // get the DAO DAO dao = this.getDAO(); // create personId wrapper, we will need it multiple times later Integer personId = new Integer(person.personId); // check if a record with the same first and last names // but different personId exists Set conds = new HashSet(1); Map params = new HashMap(3); // include first name check if specified if(person.firstName != null) { conds.add("firstName"); params.put("firstName", person.firstName); } params.put("lastName", person.lastName); // if it's a new record then personId is invalid and no record // exists with the same personId params.put("personId", personId); // this query selects personIds (into PersonDM for example) of records // with the specified names and different from the specified personIds if(dao.fetch("checkIfSameNameAndDiffIdExists", conds, params).length > 0) { BLErrors errors = new BLErrors(1); errors.addError(ERROR_NAME_EXISTS); this.setErrors(errors); return false; } // see if we are creating a new record or updating an existing one if(person.personId > 0) { // update // fetch existing record (will throw BLException if person // does not exist) PersonDM oldPerson = this.getPersonDetails(person.personId); // delete existing phone numbers dao.update("deletePhonesByPersonId", new Object [] { personId }); // update home address if((person.homeAddress != null) && (oldPerson.homeAddress != null)) { person.homeAddress.addressId = oldPerson.homeAddress.addressId; dao.update(person.homeAddress); person.homeAddressId = oldPerson.homeAddressId; } else if((person.homeAddress != null) && (oldPerson.homeAddress == null)) { dao.insert(person.homeAddress); person.homeAddressId = new Integer(person.homeAddress.addressId); } else if((person.homeAddress == null) && (oldPerson.homeAddress != null)) { dao.delete(oldPerson.homeAddress); person.homeAddressId = null; } else { person.homeAddressId = null; } // update work address // (here goes code same as for home address, we skip it) ... // update person record dao.update(person); // reinsert phone numbers if(person.phones != null) { for(int i = 0; i < person.phones.length; i++) { person.phones[i].personId = person.personId; dao.insert(person.phones[i]); } } } else { // create new // insert home address record if(person.homeAddress != null) { dao.insert(person.homeAddress); person.homeAddressId = new Integer(person.homeAddress.addressId); } else person.homeAddressId = null; // insert work address record // (here goes code same as for home address, we skip it) ... // insert person record dao.insert(person); // insert phone records if(person.phones != null) { for(int i = 0; i < person.phones.length; i++) { person.phones[i].personId = person.personId; dao.insert(person.phones[i]); } } } // save the last saved DM in the member variable for // getLastSavedPersonDetails method this.lastSavedPerson = person; // all done, report success return true; }
In the client code, which can be a presentation level's action, we call the method like this:
if(!addressBook.savePersonDetails(person)) { BLErrors errors = addressBook.getLastErrors(); if(errors.containsError(AddressBookBLO.ERROR_NAME_EXISTS)) { // do whatever we need to do to send the user a message and // redisplay the input form ... } }
All BLOs must have a descriptor in the 'blo-config.xml'
file. The
descriptor defines by what name the BLO can be looked up in a
container, what class implements it, and whether it is a shared or a
regular BLO. For our address book BLO we will have the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE blo-config PUBLIC "-//Boyle Software, Inc.//DTD CB2 Business Level Configuration 1.0//EN" ""> <blo-config> <!-- - BLO descriptors. --> <blo name="addressBook"> <class>com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.AddressBookBLO</class> </blo> <!-- - The DAO configuration. --> <dao-config> ... </dao-config> </blo-config>
Now the BLO can be looked up in the BLO container and its service interface can be called:
// get the BLO container (discussed later) BLOContainer bloc = getBLOContainer(); // lookup the BLO AddressBookBLO addressBook = (AddressBookBLO)bloc.getBLO("addressBook"); // call business method PersonDM person = addressBook.getPersonDetails(personId);
To deploy a shared BLO just add 'shared'
attribute to
the <blo>
<blo name="listsCache" shared="true"> <class>com.mycompany.myproject.ListsCacheSharedBLO</class> </blo>
It can be looked up in exactly the same manner as a regular BLO in any BLO container. Any BLO container corresponding to any user session will always return reference to the same instance of a BLO if it is a shared BLO.
BLO can
be a reusable unit. Sometimes it is convenient to create a more or
less generic BLO class for some piece of business logic and then use
it in different applications. However, quite often, this requires an
ability to configure the BLO to tune it for usage in a particular
application. It can be done with BLO initialization parameters that
are a set of name-value pairs specified in a BLO's deployment
descriptor in 'blo-config.xml'
For example, we could have a shopping cart BLO, which has two configuration parameters: maximum number of products allowed in a cart, and deployment name of another BLO which represents a product and implements some standard interface. Then the shopping cart's deployment descriptor could be:
<blo name="shoppingCart"> <class>com.mycompany.myproject.ShoppingCartBLO</class> <init-param> <param-name>maxProducts</param-name> <param-value>12</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>productBLOName</param-name> <param-value>product</param-value> </init-param> </blo>
The initialization parameters can be accessed from within a
BLO using BLObject
's getInitParameter
method. For the example above we could have this code in the
or any business method:
// get max number of products String maxProductsS = this.getInitParameter("maxProducts"); this.maxProducts = (maxProductsS != null ? Integer.parseInt(maxProductsS) : 10); ... // lookup the product BLO ProductBLO product = (ProductBLO)this.getBLOContainer(). getBLO(this.getInitParameter("productBLOName"));
Although we are going to discuss transaction management in detail later in this manual, it is time to make couple of remarks on this issue now. In CB2 the idea is that business level does not manage transaction boundaries. Of course, in advanced cases when application needs it, transactions can be managed at any level where application context is available, however, in the most common case it is assumed that the code, which calls the business level, controls when transactions start, when finish and whether to call the BL in any transaction at all. In a web-application such a client code calling the BL is the presentation level, that is actions, presentation elements and other components of the servlet-based PL.
The justification for this approach is that the client code may want
to call multiple BLOs multiple times to achieve the action's goal and
make it within one transaction. Only the caller "sees" the
"big picture", while the BLOs execute just pieces of the whole
action. The client code then is the most appropriate place to control
transaction boundaries. Nevertheless, in a BLO's business method
can be called to mark current transaction, if
there is any, for rollback only. The method can be called when the BLO
encounters an error which it does not want to report throwing a
but still any changes made to the database in the
same transaction before the call and those will be made after should
be ignored and the transaction should be rolled back. For optimization
purposes a "smart" client can analyze the current transaction
context if it is marked for rollback only after the BLO call and
immediately abort the action without making any further calls to the
In CB2 there is a notion of transaction context, which is an object representing current state of a transaction. Transaction contexts are automatically created by the application context and are bound to the JVM threads so there is no need to pass them around as method arguments - anywhere in the application where application context is available it is possible to get the current thread's transaction context. Isolated, not bound to any threads transaction contexts also can be created and used, but this feature is not used widely.
In the case of servlet-based presentation level transactions are managed automatically, we will see how later in this manual, so it is very rare case when developers should worry about calling transaction management methods of the application context directly from the application code.
In terms of our address book web-application, by this point we have
got our business level implementation in the form of SQL queries
defined in the DAO configuration and our AddressBookBLO
its service interface. Now we are ready to build our application's
user interface, that is the presentation level implementation.
The discussion below assumes that the reader is familiar with Apache Struts framework.
The CB2 PL is based on Struts and requries Struts to be set up for the
application. The CB2 itself is set up as a Struts plug-in, which
installs its own implementations of the request processor replacing
the default ones. To configure our application to use CB2 PL we first
map all requests to the Struts action servlet in the web-application
deployment descriptor, that is the 'web.xml'
... <web-app> ... <!-- - Define Struts action servlet. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <display-name>Struts Action Servlet</display-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> ... <!-- - Map requests to the Struts action servlet. --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.cb2</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> ... </web-app>
All requests to URLs ending in '.cb2'
will be forwarded
to the action servlet, and then, through the request processor of a
corresponding Struts module (in the example above there is only one,
default module is defined with configuration in
), to an appropriate page or
action. In CB2, the same way as in Struts, it is recommended that all
the requests go this way, through the action servlet, and no direct
requests to JSPs are ever made.
Now, in the Struts configuration file for every Struts module, with
which we would like to use CB2 (that is for all the modules usually,
or for the only one), we set up the CB2 plug-in. In
... <struts-config> ... <plug-in className="com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.CB2PlugIn"> </plug-in> </struts-config>
When the application starts, the plug-in installs
as the request processor for the module. The plug-in has a number of
configuration parameters that can be set using <set-property>
subelements in the <plug-in>
element. See CB2PlugIn
documentation for all available options.
The application will have three pages: one allowing listing and searching people, one with person details used for creating new profiles, updating existing ones and just seeing all the details for a person, and finally one confirmatin page displayed after successful modification of data such as updating, creating and deleting profiles. See the user interface diagram with all the components on Figure 2.2.
Every page in the UI has a defining
descriptor in the
file. A page
descriptor defines the page's unique name, to what URL the page is
mapped, and from what components it is
composed. Components, which are basically JSP files,
also have descriptors in the
. Every component JSP file has a component
descriptor, which associates a unique component name with the JSP
file. A component can play one of two major roles: it can be a
template component, one which defines the page layout and is the
top-level peice of JSP which may include other components that play
the second role, the role of an includable component. Every page
ultimately has one template component and it is defined in the page's
descriptor. In the template component's JSP other components are
included using <cb2:insert>
tag which takes a component
reference name, which the page descriptor defines the mapping between
used on the page component reference names and real components defined
in the 'pages-config.xml'
In our simple web-application there is no need in includable
components - we've got three completely different pages each with its
own layout and therefore we need just three corresponding template
components, that is JSPs, defining both the layouts and contents. The
then looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE pages-config PUBLIC "-//Boyle Software, Inc.//DTD CB2 Pages Configuration 1.0//EN" ""> <pages-config> <!-- - Template component for the "Search People" page. --> <component name="peopleSearch" src="/peopleSearch.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The "Search People" page. --> <page name="peopleSearch" template="peopleSearch" path="/peopleSearch"> </page> <!-- - Template component for the "Person Details" page. --> <component name="personDetails" src="/personDetails.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The "Person Details" page. --> <page name="personDetails" template="personDetails" path="/personDetails"> </page> <!-- - Template component for the confirmation page. --> <component name="confirmation" src="/confirmation.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The confirmation page. --> <page name="confirmation" template="confirmation" path="/confirmation"> </page> </pages-config>
Note that 'src'
attribute of component
defining the corresponding to this component JSP file, and 'path'
attribute of page
element, defining the URL to which this page
is mapped, both these attributes use
context-relative URLs. In addition to that, it is not necessary to
specify URL extention in 'path'
attributes if extention-based
mapping is used in the 'web.xml'
web-application deployment
descriptor to map requests to the Struts Action Servlet, just the same
way as it is not necessary to do that when mapping actions to URLs in
the standard 'struts-config.xml'
file. In fact, behind the scenes
CB2 creates a Struts action mapping for every page associating the URL
with com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.ShowPageAction
which is a special action that loads the page.
Now, let's imagine that all our pages follow the same basic layout and have, for example a header at the top of the page with the application title and other visual elements such as a clock, number of records in the database and maybe some other information. This is shown on Figure 2.3.
Each page consists of three components: one template defining the page
layout, and two includable components for the header and the
content. Our 'pages-config.xml'
file then will contain the
<!-- - Template component with page layout. --> <component name="layout" src="/templates/layout.jsp"> </component> <!-- - Component for the header. --> <component name="header" src="/components/header.jsp"> </component> <!-- - Content component for the "Search People" page. --> <component name="peopleSearch" src="/components/peopleSearch.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The "Search People" page. --> <page name="peopleSearch" template="layout" path="/peopleSearch"> <componentref name="header" component="header"/> <componentref name="content" component="peopleSearch"/> </page> <!-- - Content component for the "Person Details" page. --> <component name="personDetails" src="/components/personDetails.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The "Person Details" page. --> <page name="personDetails" template="layout" path="/personDetails"> <componentref name="header" component="header"/> <componentref name="content" component="personDetails"/> </page> <!-- - Content component for the confirmation page. --> <component name="confirmation" src="/components/confirmation.jsp"> </component> <!-- - The confirmation page. --> <page name="confirmation" template="layout" path="/confirmation"> <componentref name="header" component="header"/> <componentref name="content" component="confirmation"/> </page>
And then the 'layout.jsp'
will include
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%> <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cb2.tld" prefix="cb2"%> <html:html> <head> <title>Address Book</title> </head> <body> <!-- HEADER --> <div> <cb2:insert name="header"/> </div> <!-- CONTENT --> <div> <cb2:insert name="content"/> </div> </body> </html:html>
In place of <cb2:insert>
tags content of the
corresponding components will be inserted. But what if we also would
like to have different page titles on each page? Having separate
components and JSP files containing just one single line for the title
does not seem very attractive, although it would work. Instead, pages,
along with component references, can have attributes, which are simple
name-value pairs - a <cb2:insert>
tag referring to an
attribute will be replaced with the attribute's value. For example, in
the 'pages-config.xml'
... <page name="personDetails" template="layout" path="/personDetails"> <attribute name="title" value="Person Details"/> <componentref name="header" component="header"/> <componentref name="content" component="personDetails"/> </page> ...
And in the 'layout.jsp'
... <head> <title>Address Book - <cb2:insert name="title"/></title> </head> ...
Which, in the case of person details page, will be rendered into:
... <head> <title>Address Book - Person Details</title> </head> ...
Let's notice, that our three pages all have something in common: they are based on the same template component and they all include the same header component. What we can do is define one "abstract" page and make our three "concrete" pages "extend" it, which will make our pages definitions better structured:
<!-- - Template component with page layout. --> <component name="layout" src="/templates/layout.jsp"> </component> <!-- - Component for the header. --> <component name="header" src="/components/header.jsp"> </component> <!-- - Abstract parent page. --> <page name="commonLayoutPage" template="layout"> <componentref name="header" component="header"/> </page> <!-- - The "Search People" page. --> <component name="peopleSearch" src="/components/peopleSearch.jsp"> </component> <page name="peopleSearch" extends="commonLayoutPage" path="/peopleSearch"> <componentref name="content" component="peopleSearch"/> </page> <!-- - The "Person Details" page. --> <component name="personDetails" src="/components/personDetails.jsp"> </component> <page name="personDetails" extends="commonLayoutPage" path="/personDetails"> <componentref name="content" component="personDetails"/> </page> <!-- - The confirmation page. --> <component name="confirmation" src="/components/confirmation.jsp"> </component> <page name="confirmation" extends="commonLayoutPage" path="/confirmation"> <componentref name="content" component="confirmation"/> </page>
Note two important features: first, abstract pages do not
have 'path'
attribute and thus are not mapped to any URL, second,
pages that extend a parent page do not have 'template'
because the template of the parent is inherited.
is a standard Struts approach to put Java beans into a page context,
usually in the request or in the session scope, and then have the
page's JSP code to form its dynamic content basing on the data in the
beans using Struts JSP tags such as <bean: xxx >
<logic: xxx >
tags. In Struts we usually have an action
invoked first during a request processing and only then the action
forwards to a page. This way the action is the place where beans for
the pages are created, populated and put to this or that scope. In
CB2, along with the regular Struts actions, we have got pages that are
directly mapped to URLs and there is no user-defined action called
before passing control to the page. So, how do beans get into page
context then? In CB2 those Java beans, called Presentation
Elements (PElements or PEs), actually populate
themselves. Before control is passed to a page's template component
JSP, all presentation elements used in all components that comprise
the page are instantiated and their init
method is called
giving them a chance to populate themselves so the component JSPs
later can read the data from them using JSP tags. Presentation
elements used in a component are declared in the component's
descriptor in the 'pages-config.xml'
file. Among other parameters
every presentation element descriptor associates a name, which can be
used to access the element from the component's JSP, with a Java class
For example, let's consider our "Search People" page. We have got an area on it, which displays search results and, as a piece of dynamic content, it will need a presentation element. This presentation element will actually perform the search in the business level and then populate its internal property with the search result. That internal property, which is going to be an array, will be read later from the component's JSP and rendered into a list of records found.
An important issue is how the presentation element gets search parameters. As we can see on our UI diagram the form with the search parameters is located on the same page and it submits its input to the same "Search People" page as well. Therefore, when the presentation element is called for initialization the form's input will be available as the request parameters, so the most straightforward way is just to read them from the request in the presentation element. Another issue is that in the presentation element we need to distinguish if the page is being displayed as a result of the search form submission, and then perform the search, or it was requested directly and no search should be performed resulting in an empty search reasult list displayed. We do it by adding a hidden field into the form and by cheking its presence in the request we can tell if the form was indeed submitted or not.
Let's see how the form can be defined in the component's JSP, that is
... <form action='<html:rewrite page="/peopleSearch.cb2"/>'> <input type="hidden" name="doSearch" value="true"/> <table> <tr> <td>Last Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="lastNameSubstr"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="firstNameSubstr"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City</td> <td><input type="text" name="citySubstr"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State</td> <td><input type="text" name="state"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> ...
The presentation element then can be implemented like this (note, that we recommend to call presentation element classes with noun expressions suffixed by "PE"):
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.BLException; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.PresentationElement; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.ActionContext; public class PeopleSearchResultPE implements PresentationElement { // // bean properties accessed from the component JSP // /** * Represents one record in the search result list. */ public static class ResultElement { private final int personId; public int getPersonId() { return this.personId; } private final String name; public String getName() { return; } public ResultElement(int personId, String name) { this.personId = personId; = name; } } /** * The search result. If it is null it means no search was performed. */ private ResultElement [] searchResult; public ResultElement [] getSearchResult() { return this.searchResult; } public boolean getWasSearchPerformed() { return (this.searchResult != null); } public boolean getNoResults() { return (this.searchResult.length == 0); } // // presentation element interface // /** * Initialize the presentation element before using it on a page. * * @param actionCtx current action context, an object used to access other * subsystems including the business level. * * @throws BLException if an error in the BL happens. */ public void init(ActionContext actionCtx) throws BLException { // get the request object HttpServletRequest request = actionCtx.getRequest(); // check if search was requested (the form was submitted) if("true".equals(request.getParameter("doSearch"))) { // get search parameters String lastNameSubstr = request.getParameter("lastNameSubstr"); if(lastNameSubstr != null) if((lastNameSubstr = lastNameSubstr.trim()).length() == 0) lastNameSubstr = null; String firstNameSubstr = request.getParameter("firstNameSubstr"); if(firstNameSubstr != null) if((firstNameSubstr = firstNameSubstr.trim()).length() == 0) firstNameSubstr = null; String citySubstr = request.getParameter("citySubstr"); if(citySubstr != null) if((citySubstr = citySubstr.trim()).length() == 0) citySubstr = null; String state = request.getParameter("state"); if(state != null) if((state = state.trim()).length() == 0) state = null; // do search PersonShortDM [] people = ((AddressBookBLO)actionCtx.getBLO("addressBook")). searchPeople(lastNameSubstr, firstNameSubstr, citySubstr, state); // put the result into searchResult property this.searchResult = new ResultElement[people.length]; for(int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { this.searchResult[i] = new ResultElement(people[i].personId, people[i].lastName + ", " + people[i].firstName); } } } /** * Reset all internal properties to the default state. Called before the * init method. */ public void reset() { // by default we assume that the form was not submitted // (see getWasSearchPerformed and init methods) this.searchResult = null; } }
Note the actionCtx
argument passed to the init
method. Action context provides interface to
other subsystems to presentation elements and actions. Particularly,
action context contains an already prepared and locked BLO container,
which can be used to communicate with the business level. The
method we use in the code above is actually the same as
In order to be able to use our presentation element in the JSP we have
to associate it with the component in the 'pages-config.xml'
... <component name="peopleSearch" src="/peopleSearch.jsp"> <pelement name="peopleSearchResult" class="com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PeopleSearchResultPE"/> </component> <page name="peopleSearch" template="peopleSearch" path="/peopleSearch"> </page> ...
In the 'peopleSearch.jsp'
we can use now Struts tags to
access the presentation element as a Java bean stored in the page
context under 'peopleSearchResult'
... <table> <caption>Search Result</caption> <logic:equals name="peopleSearchResult" property="wasSearchPerformed" value="true"> <tr><td>Search people by submitting the form above.</td></tr> </logic:equals> <logic:equals name="peopleSearchResult" property="wasSearchPerformed" value="false"> <logic:equals name="peopleSearchResult" property="noResults" value="true"> <tr><td>No records found.</td></tr> </logic:equals> <logic:equals name="peopleSearchResult" property="noResults" value="false"> <logic:iterate id="rec" name="peopleSearchResult" property="searchResult"> <tr> <td><bean:write name="rec" property="name"/></td> <td><html:link page="/personDetails.cb2" paramId="personId" paramName="rec" paramProperty="personId">[edit]</html:link></td> <td><html:link page="/deletePerson.cb2" paramId="personId" paramName="rec" paramProperty="personId">[delete]</html:link></td> </tr> </logic:iterate> </logic:equals> </logic:equals> </table> ...
A situation is possible
when the same presentation element is used in multiple components. One
way to handle it is to include a <pelement>
element referring
to the same class to all the components that use it. Another way is to
define a global presentation element and declare all the components
that need it as depending on it. A global presentation element is
different from a local, that is component-scope presentation element
in a number of ways. First, it is not associated with any particular
component, it is defined in the global scope, it has a name, which is
unique among all global presentation elements. Another feature of a
global presentation element is that it can "depend" on other
global presentation elements. This means that other global
presentation elements will be created and initialized too whenever
this one is used. To define a global presentation element use
element, to use it with a component use
element within the component descriptor:
... <global-pelement name="gpelement1" class=""> </global-pelement> ... <component name="component1" src="myComponent.jsp"> <depends on="gpelement1"/> </component> ...
The global presentation element can be used from the
component's JSP just in the same way as a local presentation element,
in this example using name 'gpelement1'
To build a dependency chain, or even a tree of global presentation
elements use <depends>
elements within <global-pelement>
... <global-pelement name="gpelement1" class=""> </global-pelement> <global-pelement name="gpelement2" class=""> <depends on="gpelement1"/> </global-pelement> <global-pelement name="gpelement3" class=""> </global-pelement> <global-pelement name="gpelement4" class=""> <depends on="gpelement2"/> <depends on="gpelement3"/> </global-pelement> ... <component name="component1" src="myComponent.jsp"> <depends on="gpelement4"/> </component> ...
If gathering all presentation elements for a page the system
finds duplicates it eliminates them, therefore there is a guarantee
that each used on a page presentation element will be initialized only
once. Also, the system initializes the presentation elements in the
correct dependency order. In the example above, whenever the
component is used on a page all four global
presentation elements will be created, made available from the
component JSP and initialized in the following order:
, 'gpelement2'
, 'gpelement3'
. If the component had also local presentation
elements they would be initialized after the global presentation
elements. The defined order of presentation elements initialization
allows, when multiple presentation elements are used in a component,
to pass data between the elements through, for example, request
attributes, or presentation element input parameters discussed right
Let's go back to our
search result presentation element implementation for a moment now and
see how we can improve it. Presentation elements can have input
parameters that are automatically set into the bean as bean properties
before the init
method call. CB2 can look for input parameters
in various sources, such as request attributes or parameters, session
attributes and so on. Also, it can perform some simple validation and
transformation reducing the number of checks in the presentation
element implmentation. In the case of PeopleSearchResultPE
read form input from the request parameters and the code could be
simplified if we used input paramters for that. First, let's add bean
properties corresponding to the input parameters:
public class PeopleSearchResultPE implements PresentationElement { ... // // input parameters // private boolean doSearch; public void setDoSearch(boolean doSearch) { this.doSearch = doSearch; } private String lastNameSubstr; public void setLastNameSubstr(String lastNameSubstr) { this.lastNameSubstr = lastNameSubstr; } private String firstNameSubstr; public void setLastNameSubstr(String firstNameSubstr) { this.firstNameSubstr = firstNameSubstr; } private String citySubstr; public void setLastNameSubstr(String citySubstr) { this.citySubstr = citySubstr; } private String state; public void setLastNameSubstr(String state) { this.state = state; } ... }
In the presentation element descriptor in the
file we have to describe the input parameters:
... <component name="peopleSearch" src="/peopleSearch.jsp"> <pelement name="peopleSearchResult" class="com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PeopleSearchResultPE"> <param name="doSearch"/> <param name="lastNameSubstr"/> <param name="firstNameSubstr"/> <param name="citySubstr"/> <param name="state"/> </pelement> </component> ...
Now, in the init
method we can just read the
properties, because they will be automatically set from the request
before the init
public void init(ActionContext actionCtx) throws BLException { // check if search was requested (the form was submitted) if(this.doSearch) { // do search PersonShortDM [] people = ((AddressBookBLO)actionCtx.getBLO("addressBook")). searchPeople(this.lastNameSubstr, this.firstNameSubstr, this.citySubstr, this.state); // put the result into searchResult property this.searchResult = new ResultElement[people.length]; for(int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { this.searchResult[i] = new ResultElement(people[i].personId, people[i].lastName + ", " + people[i].firstName); } } }
Parameters validation can be customized using
and 'emptystring'
attributes of <param>
element in the presentation element deascriptor. From where the
parameter's value is taken is configured by the 'from'
attribute. See the DTD for 'pages-config.xml'
for all available
options. Note that by default, which is our case since we did not
specify any of the mentioned attributes, parameter values are taken
from the request (request parameters checked first, and then request
attributes), they are optional, that is if a parameter is not present
in the request no attempt to set it in the presentation element will
be taken, and if a parameter's value is an empty or blank (consisting
of only whitespace characters) string a null
will be set into
the corresponding presentation element property.
Since our input parameters are optional it is important to set their
default values in the reset
method, because if they are not
present in the request, that is the form was not submitted, and the
presentation element instance is reused old values may be left in the
fields and break our logic. It is especially conserns the
parameter, while others can be cleared just to make it
look nicer:
public void reset() { // reset PE properties this.searchResult = null; // reset input parameters this.doSearch = false; // don't do search if the form was not submitted this.lastNameSubstr = null; this.firstNameSubstr = null; this.citySubstr = null; this.state = null; }
The main purpose of the reset
method is to set
default values to all optional input parameters, because, as mentioned
above, if an optional parameter is not present the setter will not be
called at all.
There is another way to pass the form data to the presentation element
as well - to use Struts ActionForm
bean. It is possible to
associate a form bean with a presentation element, just the same way
as it is possible to do for an action in standard Struts. In Struts we
tell that an action expects a form bean at its input by specifying
attribute to the action mapping in
file and this attribute names the form bean
defined by a <form-bean>
element in the same Struts
configuration. To tell that a presentation element expects a form bean
in the action context we use 'inputForm'
attribute with the
corresponding <pelement>
(or <global-pelement>
element. The 'inputForm'
attribute names a form bean reference
defined with a <formbeanref>
element, which in turn referes to
a Struts form bean.
For forms, that should be prepopulated before being displayed on a
page, it is often convenient to define one single class that extends
Struts' ActionForm
and implements
interface at the same time. It allows to
have a single set of form fields in one class rather than in two.
In our example we could have this presentation element representing the search form:
package com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.PresentationElement; import com.boylesoftware.cb2.presentation.servlet.ActionContext; public class PeopleSearchFormPE extends ActionForm implements PresentationElement { // // form fields // private boolean doSearch; public boolean getDoSearch() { return this.doSearch; } public void setDoSearch(boolean doSearch) { this.doSearch = doSearch; } private String lastNameSubstr; public String getLastNameSubstr() { return this.lastNameSubstr; } public void setLastNameSubstr(String lastNameSubstr) { this.lastNameSubstr = lastNameSubstr; } private String firstNameSubstr; public String getLastNameSubstr() { return this.firstNameSubstr; } public void setLastNameSubstr(String firstNameSubstr) { this.firstNameSubstr = firstNameSubstr; } private String citySubstr; public String getLastNameSubstr() { return this.citySubstr; } public void setLastNameSubstr(String citySubstr) { this.citySubstr = citySubstr; } private String state; public String getLastNameSubstr() { return this.state; } public void setLastNameSubstr(String state) { this.state = state; } // // presentation element interface // public void init(ActionContext actionCtx) {} public void reset() {} // // action form methods // /** * Reset fields before setting them from the request parameters. */ public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { this.doSearch = false; this.lastNameSubstr = null; this.firstNameSubstr = null; this.citySubstr = null; this.state = null; } }
The two reset
methods, despite having the same name,
actually belong to different subsystems and play different
non-overlapping roles. The one without arguments belongs to the
interface and is called by the framework
before calling the init
method. Its main purpose is to reset
values of optional input parameters. The second reset
belongs to the ActionForm
class and is called by Struts before
setting form fields from the request and then passing the instance to
an action (or another presentation element via the action
context). The purpose of this method is to set default values to the
form fields. It is very important to understand that extending
and at the same time implementing
interface makes the object to play two
different roles at different times.
Now, when we have the class, we should create a form bean reference
for this form and add 'inputForm'
attribute to our search result
presentation element descriptor:
... <formbeanref name="peopleSearchForm" class="com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PeopleSearchFormPE"/> <component name="peopleSearch" src="/peopleSearch.jsp"> <depends on="peopleSearchForm"/> <pelement name="peopleSearchResult" class="com.boylesoftware.cb2.examples.addressbook.PeopleSearchResultPE" inputForm="peopleSearchForm"/> </component> ...
In the search result presentation element class we can have
the following init
method implementation (and we do not need
any input parameters anymore, of course):
public void init(ActionContext actionCtx) throws BLException { // get the form PeopleSearchFormPE form = (PeopleSearchFormPE)actionCtx.getForm(); // check if search was requested (the form was submitted) if(form.getDoSearch()) { // do search PersonShortDM [] people = ((AddressBookBLO)actionCtx.getBLO("addressBook")). searchPeople(form.getLastNameSubstr(), form.getFirstNameSubstr(), form.getCitySubstr(), form.getState()); // put the result into searchResult property this.searchResult = new ResultElement[people.length]; for(int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { this.searchResult[i] = new ResultElement(people[i].personId, people[i].lastName + ", " + people[i].firstName); } } }
The CB2 contains tons of little features serving many practical tasks. Let's discuss them going from subsystem to subsystem.